• 156 views | 4 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Unit kilogramme or pound missing in dop down menuSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Mohd Hafdzuan Adzmi 7/12/2015


    Hi everyone,

    I'm having trouble with the selection of units.

    I could not select (not shown in the drop down menu) kilogramme or pound when i want to enter the import cost for nuclear.

    Upon checking it seems my selection of unit is quite limited compared to freedonia example. Is there an option or something that has to be enabled first for these options to show up?

    Thank you.

    Mohd Adzmi
  • Taylor Binnington 7/12/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Mohd,

    The 'Nuclear' fuel in LEAP is assigned the type of 'Energy', in the Fuels database. This means that the only units which can be assigned are energetic units, not volumetric or mass-based units, which can be assigned for other fuel types. If you wish to express a cost per kilogramme, you'll need to choose an appropriate conversion factor.

  • Mohd Hafdzuan Adzmi 7/12/2015
      Best Response


    Hi taylor,

    thank you for the feedback. It seems that i could either convert the value manually or create a new fuel (uranium). Based on this i need to recheck all my fuels to ensure they are in the right state (solid liquids energy etc.). Does it (the state of the fuel) effect the models much?

    thank you

    mohd adzmi

  • Taylor Binnington 7/16/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Mohd,

    Yes, you are free to modify the fuel default values, or create your own. The fuel state will affect the type of units which are available for you to assign, and can be used to sort fuels in the database. There shouldn't be a need to ensure that your other fuels are of the correct state.
