• 82 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Difference between running cost in LEAP and least cost in osemosysSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Mohd Hafdzuan Adzmi 7/14/2015


    Hi everyone,

    I have different results when it comes to using running cost and also optimization (osemosys). I didn't include any external cost/emission cap and all other costs assumption remain the same.

    The running cost dispatches and build the cheapest plant and i think osemosys also do the same but why did it show different result? I observe that osemosys's capacity mix are more diversified than using the running cost feature.

    Any feedback is most welcome.

    Thank you

    Mohd Adzmi
  • Taylor Binnington 7/16/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Mohd,

    Actually, the RunningCost dispatch rule does not instruct LEAP to construct new capacity - it is used for process dispatch only. Capacity expansion is handled by the processes which you enter in the Endogenous Capacity variable:


    With OSeMOSYS, you can allow LEAP to conduct a module-wide least-cost optimization for both process dispatch *and* capacity expansion, finding the lowest net present value of all future capacity and running costs for the transformation module.


    Hope this helps,