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  • Tanya Potapkina 7/25/2015



    I am working with LEAP model and I want to know how demand for different sectors calculated?
    (transport, commercial, residential, industry)

    Can I see these equations in the software?

  • Taylor Binnington 7/29/2015
      Best Response


    Hello Tanya,

    This is a very general question. I'd recommend that you review some key help files in LEAP's searchable user manual, available here (and offline, from LEAP's help button):


    Please start with the Demand Analysis section (specifically activity analysis), and then you can move on to transformation calculations:


    Once you review some of these materials, I'd be happy (and probably much more useful to you) to answer specific questions about how the software works if anything remains unclear.

    Since LEAP is a tool for building models (not a pre-built model), there is no difference in the way that different sectors are treated from a mathematical point of view. Instead, it is up to the user to specify the units of energy consumption for sectors and subsectors (or any level of sectoral resolution that you wish).

  • Tanya Potapkina 8/2/2015
      Best Response


    Thank You!

    I actually have an example:

    I calculated for Freedonia, transport sector and my results 2 times less.

    Example: Freight, rail
    250 tkm per person (conditions)
    40 mln - population
    Rail 15% (85% - road), diesel - 100% share with 3 MJ per tkm.

    So, 250*40,000,000 - tonne km in total
    250* 40 mln * 0.15* 3 MJ per tkm = 4 500 000 000 MJ
    But in the results the number is 9 000 000 000 MJ.

  • Taylor Binnington 8/6/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Tanya,

    The result of 4.5e9 MJ is correct for the year 2010. This is what the completed Freedonia exercise shows.

    I'm not sure how you're getting 9e9 MJ as a result for rail freight. What is the activity level which you have assigned to the Technology with Final Energy Intensity, beneath your rail freight category?

  • Tanya Potapkina 8/7/2015
      Best Response


    I checked again, it works correct now.

    Thank You