• 143 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: A very basic Issue inside LEAPSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Gabriela Peña Balderrama 8/4/2015


    Dear Taylor:

    Please let me ask you about a problem with the creation of a new unit inside Leap to calculate the Energy demand (the same issue with "Other units").

    This is a very simple example:
    - Activity Level: 5000 million of Lumens in 2010 to 10000 million of lumens in 2030

    - One technology using electricity, Energy intensity: 0.06 KWh/lumen

    - Energy consumed: Activity Levelx Energy Intensity
    Results to 2010:

    (5000x 10^6 lumen )* 0.06 KWh/Lumen= 300 GWh
    Leap result: 0.0003 GWh

    Results to 2030:

    (10000x 10^6 lumen )* 0.06 KWh/Lumen= 600 GWh
    Leap result: 0.0006 GWh

    It seems that the new unit is not following the "Million" introduced in the Key asumptions. Please find attached the Leap file with this example.

    I'm using the latest version of Leap: 2014.0.1.29

    Thanks for your help!!


    Attachments:  test_Problem LEAP.leap [3]
  • Taylor Binnington 8/6/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Gabriela,

    The issue is that you have written an expression which returns a value measured in 'millions of lumens', but read that value into a variable which is measured in only 'lumens'.

    This is a potential pitfall of using the scale factor in LEAP, which is intended to make expressions more readable (i.e. eliminate the need to add trailing zeroes). When using scale factors, take care to ensure that they are not being lost in your calculations.

    To avoid this problem, you must also add a scale factor to the Activity Level of your Illumination demand branch, which matches the scale factor used in the key assumption that you reference.

  • Gabriela Peña Balderrama 8/6/2015
      Best Response


    Thanks Taylor now it's clear.