• 80 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Auxiliary fuel use per unit of energy producedSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Lin Herenčić 8/9/2015



    question is about situation when defining auxiliary fuel use per unit of energy produced in a process that produces two products, ie. power plant that produces electricity and coproduct is heat.

    Should it be per unit of main product produced (electricity) or both products (electricity and coproduct heat)?

    Thank you in advance.
  • Taylor Binnington 8/17/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Lin,

    Auxiliary fuels can be specified per unit of main output fuel, though you may list any number of these under Outut Fuels for a transformation module. Coproducts, when enabled in a module's properties and assigned a Coproduct Efficiency, do not generate auxiliary fuel requirements per unit of output.
