• 54 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Demand stays unmet in Business as UsualSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Yassine Zeggwagh 8/12/2015



    I have a problem with my model when it comes to meeting the demand. In my Business as Usual scenario where the only technologies used to generate electricity are coal, oil andnatural gas, my demand stays unmet even if I keep adding more and more capacities.

    Here is the version I am currently working on, can anyone please tell what is wrong ?

    Thank you in advance,


    Attachments:  Dissert2.leap [5]
  • Taylor Binnington 8/17/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Yassine,

    Can you point to the particular year that you have questions about? In your model I see that the requirements for your electricity generation module are being met for many (though not all) years. For those years in which requirements are not met domestically (and electricity is imported), there is insufficient available capacity. I can also see that you have not specified any Endogenous Capacity, which would allow LEAP to construct new capacity to ensure that your reserve margin is satisfied.

    Incidentally: there are more than three different technologies used to meet electricity demand in your business as usual scenario.

    Hope this helps,