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    Topic: Dispatch RuleSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Doreen Irungu 8/17/2015



    I used two dispatch rules for my simulation; merit order dispatch rule for the large power plants and run to full available capacity for the small renewable plants and I've been wondering which plants are dispatched first; Please assist

    Thanks & Kind Regards,
    Doreen Irungu
  • Taylor Binnington 8/17/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Doreen,

    Good question. Of those two options, the 'FullCapacity' plants will run first, before the 'MeritOrder' plants.

    The full list of dispatch rules obeys the following set of priorities. For example, if the plants which are dispatched using the PercentShare and FullCapacity rules together are sufficient to meet module requirements, then those which are dispatched using other rules will not be given the opportunity to run.

    1. PercentShare (as long as the maximum availability of the process is not exceeded)
    2. FullCapacity
    3. ProportionalToCapacity
    4. MeritOrder or RunningCost (these rules should not be assigned to separate plants in the same module).

    Hope this helps,
  • Doreen Irungu 8/18/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Taylor,

    Thanks alot; I get it now.

    Kind Regards,