• 72 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: URGENT help needed concering Load Factor!Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Rudolph Retief 8/28/2015



    I get a warning message that my load factor is above 100%. Some background: I am doing a preliminary study in an area where there is only a 25.4 MW diesel plant, but where a 108 MW hydropower plant will be built in stages (building up towards 108 MW yearly). My Energy Load Curve (% of annual load) is just a simplified diagram assuming a higher % during the wet season (see the diagram attached).

    What could be wrong? I am very new to LEAP, so probably something elementary.

    Thanks in advance!


    Attachments:  Energy Load Shape.pptx [4]
  • Taylor Binnington 9/15/2015
      Best Response


    Hello Rudolph, sorry for the late reply. I've just gotten back from some holidays.

    Can you describe when the error message appears, and exactly what it says? When you specify a load curve using an energy load shape, you must ensure that the sum of values across all time slices is equal to 100% (indicating that 100% of the total annual energy demand is distributed throughout the year).
