• 53 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Sudden hydropower switchoverSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Rudolph Retief 8/30/2015



    My study area has a diesel power plant, but a hydropower plant starts operating in 2021; however, my results show that the hydropower only kicks in at 2034 (a sudden leap and where it now constitutes most of the generation). Why is this? The diesel power plant has not retired and was until 2033 supplying all the electricity and at 2034 very little.

  • Taylor Binnington 9/15/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Rudolph,

    There are many reasons this could happen, but I can't speculate without more information.

    I would suggest that you explore LEAP's Results view to determine where this comes from. This can be an invaluable tool for tracking down the source of unexpected results. If electricity production from hydro increases substantially in 2034, what is happening to the installed capacity of hydro? Of diesel? Do the module requirements change discontinuously in this year?
