• 49 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: WEAP outputs not matching LEAP inputsSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Rudolph Retief 8/30/2015


    Hi again

    The MW generated by my hydropower plant in WEAP does not match that which is generated in LEAP. I'm assuming it is because in LEAP there is also a diesel plant generating electricity???

  • Taylor Binnington 9/15/2015
      Best Response



    You will need to be more specific with your question, otherwise it's difficult for me to guess at what the problem may be. I wouldn't want to confuse you with an answer that is not relevant for your question!

    Have a quick look at our posting guidelines, which can be found here:


    For this question, you'll need to include more information about your LEAP model, and indicate if (and how) it is linked to a WEAP model.

    Thanks very much,
