• 146 views | 5 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Over-estimation of Oil Products ImportsSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • María Mercedes Vanegas Cantarero 9/9/2015



    I have modelled a national energy system that includes one refinery. I know that the production of the refinery doesn't meet the demand and therefore there are imports at the end of the year. I have carefully checked the input of the imports and they match the energy balance that I am trying to model, however the energy balance that Leap provides is over-estimating these imports of oil products. I checked also the refinery module and there are no Import or Export Targets set. Where could this over-estimation come from? I should be seeing something like 934 kTOE and instead Leap shows 11901.1 kTOE. Please find enclosed a copy of the Leap file. I would very much appreciate your help! Thanks!

    Attachments:  Nicaragua.leap [2]
  • Taylor Binnington 9/15/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Maria,

    When imports and exports are specified in the Resources branches, they are not used to meet the requirements of the oil refining module. Instead the module operates to meet its own requirements, importing and exporting as necessary, and after this calculation has completed then any additional imports and exports are added as specified in the Resources branches. These variables are described here:


    Here is another thread with a similar question (see my 09/15/15 reply):


    I would recommend that you move what is written into Resource Imports and Resource Exports variables into the Import Target or Export Target variables, located at each of the output fuels of your refining module.

    Hope this helps,


  • María Mercedes Vanegas Cantarero 9/23/2015
      Best Response


    Thank for your recommendation.

    I have tried changing the import values to the refinery branch but the imports in the energy balance are still rather large for the base year. When I see the balance by Fuels, I can see that LEAP is importing a large amount of diesel as a response to electricity generation which is strange considering that there are only a few diesel power plants with small capacities compared to the other ones. I was wondering if you could take a look at this in more detail and perhaps help me figure out how is LEAP estimating the consumption of these diesel power plants. Could it be that it is a bug? I have checked and rechecked and can't understand it.

    I appreciate any help you could provide!

    Thanks in advance.

    P.S.: the corrected LEAP file is attached.

    Attachments:  Nicaragua.leap [3]
  • Taylor Binnington 9/24/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Maria,

    Although there is little electricity generated from diesel feedstock, you have added large amounts of *auxiliary* diesel consumption to some of your power plants. I've attached a screenshot from your model which shows Transformation: Inputs in 2012, for Auxiliary Fuels, with each of your power plants displayed on the x-axis.

    Hope this helps,

  • María Mercedes Vanegas Cantarero 10/19/2015
      Best Response


    Thank you so much! This has solved the problem (allthough I don't know how and why I added auxiliary fuels).

    Thank you for your time and help!