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    Topic: Heat Rate for renewable energy power plantSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Rahmat Al Hasibi 9/14/2015


    Dear Taylor,
    efficiency for renewable energy power plant can be easily accommodated using 100% efficiency. is there a way to use heat rate as an efficiency parameter for renewable energy power plant? (I got an error message when I used zero value)

    Thank you very much.
  • Taylor Binnington 9/15/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Rahmat,

    You may choose to enter efficiency data as either an efficiency (0 - 100%) or a heat rate (greater than 3.6 GJ input/MWh output, which corresponds to the 100% efficiency limit). The setting can be found in the transformation module's properties screen.

    However, the setting takes effect for all technologies in the module - this means that you cannot specify a heat rate for some power plants and an efficiency parameter for others.

    Hope this helps,