• 91 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Distributed GenerationSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Patricia Kiarie 9/19/2015

    1 Like 817 Views

    When setting up DG based on the instructions:

    I get an error `Modules might be out of order`and some modules produce excess energy;this does not occur without the DG.

    Am using leap 2015.0.4

  • Taylor Binnington 9/21/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Patricia,

    First - I've clarified a few points in Tory's original posting to which you provided a link. I haven't changed the spirit of her answer, but it might be worth a quick re-read.

    The message which you see is a diagnostic message, which is slightly different than an error. Your model will run, but LEAP is making you aware that the fuel 'Electricity' is produced by a module which is higher in the tree than another module which *consumes* electricity (your T+D module). In some models, this would be an issue if you intend all electricity which is generated to flow through your transmission module - but I do not believe this is the case for you.

    For some additional background on how LEAP determines (and satisfies) transformation requirements, please see this help page:


    Hope this helps,