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    Topic: exercise 1Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Xinghui Wang 9/25/2015


    I'm trying my best to finish the training,but when I meet with "1.4.3 Viewing results",something puzzled me.My result is strange,it does not show the data of 2010,and I do not know why.Just like the picture

  • Taylor Binnington 9/25/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Xinghui,

    I'm afraid I can't see the picture you've posted. Does it include special characters in its file name?

    Note that while working through the Freedonia exercises, *after first saving your model*, you may open a completed version of the exercise to compare with your progress. To do this, click Area: Open: Freedonia, then Area: Revert to Version: 1.4.3.

    Hope this is useful,
  • Xinghui Wang 9/25/2015
      Best Response


    the data after 2010 is right,but in 2010 it show me 0.I post the new picture,thank you

  • Taylor Binnington 9/28/2015
      Best Response



    In the Freedonia exercises, the year 2010 is the "Current Accounts" year. This means that results for 2010 are the result of data entered under Current Accounts.

    As a first guess, I would suggest that you look at the Historical Production variable for each of your power plants and verify that you have entered all the data correctly:

