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    Topic: Device retirementsSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Oriol Travesset 10/1/2015


    I'm using the Transport Analysis tool. In my model I need to link car sales with device retirements, but I can't find it in Branch/Variable.

    Is it possible to use the result variable "device retirements" as input variable to define car sales?

    Many thanks!

  • Taylor Binnington 10/8/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Oriol,

    The Demand: Device Retirements variable is located at (or below) categories containing *only* transport technologies, or at the transport technologies themselves. This means that you cannot create a reference to the device retirement result for a category which is a parent of other
    categories containing both wheel icons and gear icons.

    Note also that Demand: Device Retirements is a result variable, which means that it must be calculated by LEAP in each year. As such, you may only reference the result calculated in one of the prior years. LEAP will warn you of this when you attempt to enter the variable reference in the expressions window, and suggest that you wrap the expression in a PrevYearValue() function.

    Hope this helps,

  • Oriol Travesset 10/15/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Taylor,
    thanks for your response. I can use the device retirements variable but I still have some problems in linking car sales and retirements.

    I have prepared a simplification of my model (attached) to show what is happening:
    The key variable New_Sales is defined as Car_Retirements+Stock_growth. After simulating some times It seems to be ok but when I use it to define car fleet sales it is not translated to Device Sales (see Fig.1.jpg).

    I look forward to hearing your reply. Lots of thanks.

  • Taylor Binnington 10/15/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Oriol,

    Thanks for your message, and sorry for the trouble. I can confirm that there is a bug in LEAP, which causes problem when trying to create a reference to a result variable.

    We'll be working on this for the next version of LEAP, and I'll post a message on this thread to let you know it's fixed.


    UPDATE 11/13/2015:
    This should be resolved in LEAP 2015.0.8.0. Please download it by selecting Help: Check for Updates, from the main menu.
  • Oriol Travesset 10/16/2015
      Best Response


    Lots of thanks.
