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    Topic: Useful energy analysisSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Vivek Ramaswamy 10/5/2015


    How does the activity level in a useful energy analysis calculated from the efficiency values and the fuel share. The help file, just mentions that it uses these two parameters to estimate the activity share and does not mention any formula.

    And in the LEAP exercise of Freedonia, in the commercial sector, the change in activity share of heating technologies is carried out by editing the values in the reference scenario in activity level. But how does one change the fuel share in the reference scenario rather than the activity share.
  • Taylor Binnington 10/9/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Vivek,

    My reply assumes the the "default method" (described by option 1 on the help page here: www.energycommunity.org/WebHelpPro/Demand/Useful_Energy_Analysis.htm) of conducting a Useful Energy Analysis.

    In Current Accounts you are only free to specify the *final* energy intensity F for the whole category, as well as the efficiency E and fuel share S for each technology inside the category. However, beginning in your scenarios LEAP permits you to specify a *useful* energy intensity U at the category level, instead of a final energy intensity. The default value is calculated as follows, using data entered under Current Accounts:

    U = F * (S1*E1 + S2*E2 + S3*E3 + ... + Sn*En)

    Default values for the percent share activity level of each technology are calculated according to the following equation:

    A1 = S1*E1 / (S1*E1 + S2*E2 + ... + Sn*En)

    Hope this helps,


  • Vivek Ramaswamy 10/9/2015
      Best Response


    yeah sure, that helps. I was having a bit of trouble in formulating the formula.