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    Topic: URGENT water effluentsSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Fabian Enrique Gutierrez Angulo 10/10/2015


    Hello, Im trying to create an indicator with the variable Water Efluents, but this variable not appear in the branch "indicadors"

    What Can I do?

    please I need Urgent help,

    For other side, I've had problems with the updates, every update corrupts my older versions of my works...
  • Taylor Binnington 10/12/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Fabian,

    Can you provide the exact steps that you take to create the indicator, as well as your current version of LEAP? I cannot reproduce the problem which I think you're describing - when I create a new indicator by adding a branch underneath the 'Indicators' category, I see it appear beneath immediately.

    Regarding difficulty with LEAP upgrades: can you describe what you mean by 'corrupts your older version'? Specifically, which version of LEAP did you migrate to and from?

  • Fabian Enrique Gutierrez Angulo 10/26/2015
      Best Response


    Hello taylor, excuse to answer too late.

    I solve the problem with other way (perform the calculus out of the software)

    I had to problems with LEAP:

    1) I added a water effluent effect in some branches, and when I was trying to access at this effect from one indicador, I can't find this effect.

    2) later, I try to make a formula like this:

    (Transformation\Centrales El��ctricas SP\Processes\Hidroelectricas:Capacity[kW])/(Transformation\Centrales El��ctricas SP\Processes:Capacity[kW])

    the first one was into the other, for that reason, the result should be menor to 1, but the result was 4324 or a number like that in the two first calculated years.

    About the LEAP problems, I have two laptops one with the 2015.0.1.0, and other with the current version for the day of my first post here, I was working in the old version and I need to change my computer, when it happen, the model was corrupted and never run again, unfortunately it happen before with other update, for this reason I prefer be carefully and not update my old version of LEAP. sorry.

    I'll be thankful for your help :)
  • Taylor Binnington 10/27/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Fabian,

    Again, there have been many changes since 2015.0.1.0, and I'm afraid that we only have the resources to support the latest version. I would recommend that you upgrade to it.

    If you would like to be able to use two different versions of LEAP, then I'd suggest downloading the latest setup.exe file (here: www.energycommunity.org/default.asp?action=40) and installing it under a different directory that your previously installed LEAP version. Also ensure that you have a backup *.leap file of your model, created using an older version of LEAP, so that you can always revert to that file should you find a problem later on.

    While it's important to use the latest version, we don't want to stop your progress because of an incompatibility. Again, can you describe how your model became corrupted? We need a specific list of steps in order to determine the problem. Specifically:

    1) What version of LEAP were you using before the problem occurred?
    2) What version did you try to use, which introduced the problem?
    3) What were the exact steps that you took to open the model, in your newer version of LEAP?
    4) What did you do next, when you noticed a problem?
    5) What was the exact problem or error message which you saw?
