• 63 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: LEAP doesnt perform one calculationsSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Fabian Enrique Gutierrez Angulo 10/12/2015


    hello, Im trying to create the water footprint for my country. Im use the formula

    PrevYearValue(Transformation\Centrales El��ctricas SP\Processes\Hidroelectricas:Capacity[kW])/PrevYearValue(Transformation\Centrales El��ctricas SP\Processes:Capacity[kW])*HCHydro

    to know the electricity participation in transformation, and HCHhydro is the water footprint. this function works fine ( I can see the results for all years), but when I'm going to see the results, only one year has been calculated

    how can I solve this? thankyou

  • Taylor Binnington 10/12/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Fabian,

    Which version of LEAP are you currently running? Please make sure that you're using the most up-to-date version (currently 2015.0.7.0), as some of LEAP's referencing of results capabilities have changed. Can I also ask that you re-post your image using only ASCII characters in its file name?

    I would also recommend that after viewing results, you return to Analysis view, select Area: Force Whole Area to Recalculate, and then return to Results view. LEAP often requires a second calculation to properly store results values.
