• 130 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Photovoltaic, CogenerationSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Matteo Anderlini 10/15/2015


    Hello, I'd like to have some suggestions about remote heating, cogeneration and photovoltaic modules. I have no idea about how to include remote heating in my scenarios and energy system. Should i have to set in following heat demand? Regarding CHP, cogenerations plants are driven by heat demand or electricity demans? At last, I would like to set photovoltaic power, ramifying power on site for self-consumption and power in semplified purchase and resale.
  • Taylor Binnington 10/15/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Matteo,

    There is almost always more than one way to model something in LEAP. In each case, I would recommend that you consider the likely impacts of each on the energy system, and try to model those impacts - this can lead to creative solutions, for situations where modeling specific aspects of a technology is difficult. These is much to say on each topic you've introduced, so I'll begin only with brief replies.

    Remote heating: do you mean 'smart thermostats', or something similar? Modeling heat supply depends on whether the heat is produced at the point of demand or on a district heating network. For the former, I would suggest you model heat demand instead as additional electricity/natural gas/fuel oil, or whatever the heating fuel is, on the demand side. The latter option (district heating) is often easiest to model using a transformation module that produces heat.

    CHP plants usually have a primary output fuel, and that is usually electricity. Heat is then produced as a by-product. In LEAP you may specify a co-product using a module's properties, which then allows you to specify co-product efficiencies for each plant. You may also model heat as a separate module output fuel - have a look at our help file for output fuel properties to get you started: http://www.energycommunity.org/WebHelpPro/Wizards_and_Properties/Output_Fuel_Wizard.htm

    Which aspects of solar PV are you trying to capture? If you are only interested in own-use of electricity, one way of capturing this is by adding an Auxiliary Fuel to the process. These are explained here: http://www.energycommunity.org/WebHelpPro/Transformation/Auxiliary_Fuel_Use.htm

    Hope this gets you started,

  • Matteo Anderlini 11/17/2015
      Best Response


    Thank you Taylor