• 245 views | 6 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Only imports when using optimizeSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Linus Linde 10/16/2015


    We are trying to understand the optimization tool, but we don't get any production at all, everything is imported as a secondary resource (electricity). We have sufficient capacity of coal and wind (in this case) as well as big resources.

    In transformation we have choosen the shortfall rule "Requirements remain unmet", in secondary resources we have choosen the import costs to be extremely high. Our dispatch rule is running costs.

    We don't really understand the linkage between resources and capacity, how these two influence the production in leap.
    But our main question is why do we only import?
  • Taylor Binnington 10/19/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Linus,

    To clarify - are you using LEAP's optimization capabilities or not? Note that if you are dispatching by running cost, this is not truly an optimized solution. You may however enable least-cost optimization of both dispatch and capacity expansion using OSeMOSYS, by entering "Yes" into the 'Optimize' variable for your transformation module. Have a quick read of this help file for extra information:


    The specification of reserves (or yield, for renewables) in the Resources branches does not affect the operation of transformation modules. Each year, LEAP's transformation calculations resolve before the calculation of remaining resources has started, so this does not have an impact on how power plants operate.

    Regarding the appearance of imports: are you certain that you have specified sufficient *available* capacity to meet your module's requirements? Are you seeing imports in all years of your scenario?

  • Linus Linde 10/20/2015
      Best Response


    Thanks for the answer!
    We have choosen "Yes" for the optimize variable.
    There are only imports all the way from 2010 to 2030.
    Our exogenous capacity is very much higher than the demand (50000 thousand MW, with a demand of 5 MWh a year), the maximum availability is 100% and the process efficiency is 100%.

    The import changes when I'm changing the "System Energy Load Shape". If I put 12% the import gets pretty low, however I can't have more than 12% because then it says "Load factor is greater than 100%". I don't really get that?
  • Taylor Binnington 10/20/2015
      Best Response

    1 Like 726 Views

    Hi Linus,

    I have a few questions - can you attach your model as a *.leap file to this thread?

  • Linus Linde 10/21/2015
      Best Response


    I can't upload it here. It says " The LEAP file contains disallowed executable files". Maybe I can e-mail it to you?
  • Taylor Binnington 10/21/2015
      Best Response


    Did you create the *.leap file by clicking "Backup", from LEAP's main menu? This will take your current LEAP area and make a zipped *.leap directory of it. It should not contain any executable files, unless you have manually added them to your Documents\LEAP Areas\(area name) directory.

    You may email your data set to us as well at leap@sei-us.org.
