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    Topic: Exercise 5.6 (p64)Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Sun Kim 10/23/2015


    How are you?

    I have completed until Exercise 5.5. I included the emission factors CO, NOx, and PM10, but I cannot see the emissions of those species in the Results View. Though, emissions of those species appear in the "transport exercise provided by LEAP".

    I have compared what is the difference between my area file and that provided by LEAP, but I could not find the difference. Could I know how I can see above species' emissions in the Results View?

    Attached "EX5_Question.pdf" contains
    (Slide 1) the screen captures of the Results View of "transport exercise provided by LEAP".
    (Slide 2) the screen captures of the Results View of "my area file" and that of
    (Slide 3) the screen captures of the Analysis View of that show the emission factors of CO, NOx, and PM10 of "my area file".

    Thank you so much.

    Best regards,

    Attachments:  EX5_Question.pdf [6]
  • Taylor Binnington 10/23/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Sun,

    There are two things to check.

    First, from the main menu in Analysis view, select General: Results Variables to Save. Ensure that Environmental Loadings: Other Environmental Loadings have been checked in the list.

    Switch back to Results view, and select the result Environment: All Effects, with all effects displayed as categories. Ensure that you should be able to see each of your emissions.

    Note that the list of pollutants which appear in the result selection window (circled in red on the 1st page of your attached pdf) is not dependent on the actual loadings which you add to your model.

    Hope this helps,

  • Sun Kim 10/23/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Taylor,

    It worked. I really appreciate your help.

  • Yanjie Jiang 12/28/2015
      Best Response


    I encountered the same question. Thanks a lot for your kind and so detailed explanation help.