• 84 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Freedonia Cost Benefit ResultsSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Hanan Ishaque 10/27/2015


    Dear All

    Please refer to section 4.4, Cost-Benefit Analysis. Despite being very meticulous, my results don't match with the table titled 'Cumulative Costs and Benefits of Mitigation Scenario, 2010-2040'. Other than demand there is considerable difference. I have compared all the entries and could'nt get my hand on the error(s).
    The file is attached. Please help.


    Attachments:  Excercise.leap [5]
  • Taylor Binnington 10/30/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Hanan,

    Please make sure that you are able to reproduce all of the intermediate results which are included in the training manual. Without ensuring that your results are correct at each step, it is unlikely that you will find the correct result in later chapters. For example, your model does not correctly reproduce the table on p. 36 of the manual, because of an error in the Other Industry subsector:


    Also suggest you also look at your Charcoal Production module, and ensure you've built it correctly.

    Good luck,