• 91 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Exercise 6.2 (p74)Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Sun Kim 10/28/2015


    How are you?

    I have imported the Energy Load Shape (MS-Excel format) Provided by LEAP 2015.0.7.0, and I found that the Average Value of my System Load Shape (attached) is different from that provided in LEAP training exercise 6.2 (The screen capture in p 74). Could I know if I have done something wrong or If I am correct?

    Thank you very much.

    Sun Kim

    Attachments:  Chap6_Question.pdf [5]
  • Taylor Binnington 10/30/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Sun,

    Apologies for this confusion - you are correct. In recent versions, there have been some changes to the way that LEAP handles time slices. This means that the screenshot provided in the training manual is out-of-date.

    We hope to provide an updated version of the training manual shortly.
