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    Topic: vehicle-kmsSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Ange Hartshorne 11/18/2015


    are vehicle-kms kms/vehicle ie (kms travelled by the fleet)/(numbers of vehicles in the fleet) or just the total number of kilometres travelled by the fleet eg in the base year?

    Kms/vehicle is an interesting measurement in that a number of vehicles in our fleet aren't used much eg 2nd or 3rd vehicles in a household so to divide the number of kms travelled by number of vehicles gives an erroneous result of the amount of kms & therefore emissions per year in this country. ie our vehicle registrations outnumber the number of vehicles that may actually be being used.

    Is the only way of using total km travelled, doing the stock turnover analysis? Which I have now moved away from to do a more basic energy analysis.
  • Taylor Binnington 11/19/2015
      Best Response


    Ange -

    Vehicle-kilometers mean "kilometers traveled by vehicles" (in contrast to passenger-kilometers, or tonne-kilometers, etc). It carries the *dimension* of distance only (kilometers), which can be confusing since at first glance it appears to have dimension of "kilometers" multiplied by some other unit called "vehicles", but this is not the correct interpretation.

    LEAP's transport stock turnover analysis calculates final energy demand as the product of total number of vehicles, annual distance per vehicle, and annual fuel usage per distance. An activity analysis (towards which it sounds like you're leaning) calculates demand as the product of activity and energy per unit of activity.

    In an activity analysis you are free to choose any "activity" that you wish, including total vehicle-kilometers. This means that final energy intensities specified at technology branches will be expressed in energy per vehicle-km.

    Hope this helps,

  • Ange Hartshorne 11/20/2015
      Best Response


    Taylor, you are the one! Thank you very much that makes much sense & yes you are right I finally followed your advice and went with an energy activity analysis - although I can still see some merit in doing a Stock Turnover analysis at some point re retirements and entries into the fleet but yes the energy activity analysis is proving more useful at present & brilliant that it is about actual kms travelled - I had chosen it from the list & then I got worried that it was like passenger kms which was giving some weird ratios :) = all good.
    Thank you very much for your prompt replies and help = much appreciated.
    Ange H
  • Ange Hartshorne 11/20/2015
      Best Response


    Me again - I'll keep working on this myself but thought that I would put out a help call asap in case I get lost.

    How can I do a separate growth rate for each section of the fleet in the activity analysis when the branches/sections of the fleet are expressed as per cent shares of the total fleet? Other than calculating the growth out myself beforehand an altering the percentages for the scenario.

    A 1000 + 1 apologies! - I am gradually coming out of the dark into the light with this & funny enough have now altered the percent shares for the higher order branches to actual values - Quelle suprise! Who would have thought? = getting there. Many apologies & thanks for your patience & help.
  • Taylor Binnington 11/23/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Ange,

    I'm not quite sure what you mean - do you mean that you want to allow the percentage shares to change independently?

    You might try using one of LEAP user variables as an intermediate variable to calculate "unscaled" shares for each technology (i.e. those which do not sum to 100% in a category). You could then do anything you wanted to the unscaled shares before normalizing their sum to 100% afterwards in the Activity Level variable.

