• 109 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Factoring in DeforestationSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Rachit Kansal 11/23/2015



    My group is modeling the Democratic Republic of Congo and a possible GHG-mitigation scenario. As a part of this scenario, we are planning to avoid a great deal of deforestation, which occurs on a regular basis there.

    How would we model that in LEAP? And how could we have the associated emissions included? Would we create a 'Wood' Resource and an activity called 'Deforestation'? I ask because most of the regular activities fall under 'Demand' or 'Transformation' or 'Production'. But this one doesn't fall into any categories.

    Thank you!
  • Taylor Binnington 11/23/2015
      Best Response


    Hello Rachit,

    It's most appropriate to include those emissions as "non-energy effect loadings" in LEAP. This is a separate option under the Scope tab of Basic Parameters. For additional information, please review this help page:


    Hope this helps,

  • Rachit Kansal 11/25/2015
      Best Response


    Yes, that's great, thank you for your help!