• 158 views | 4 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Chart Legends not changing colour when change chart coloursSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Ange Hartshorne 11/23/2015


    I cant get the chart legend to change colour when I change the chart colours. It stays at the original chart colours - can you only do a "change all" if you want to change the chart colour not change colours for a few charts & back to it for the rest?

    How do you do change all if you want to?

    & now I will answer my own question = because I've have checked "consistent use of colours across charts" in Basic Parameters.

    I'm having fun though.

    Ange Hartshorne
  • Charlie Heaps 11/23/2015
      Best Response


    Can you tell me which version you are using? Check the Help:About screen to find out.
  • Ange Hartshorne 11/23/2015
      Best Response


    Version: 2015.0.7.0
    Dictionary Version: 383
    Although it looks like I'm now using a really recent version = 20 Nov 2015 when I rightclick properties over the quick launch icon?
    I updated a couple of weeks ago to the most recent version available then (the .7?) & another automatic update has also occurred?
    Its what I've got checked in Basic Parameters I think ie to maintain consistencies in colours across the charts etc - do I open Pandora's box if I uncheck it to change the pallete for some charts & not others - I've achieved a pallette change for the highest order category - because that cant affect neighbouring branches coz there aren't any yes?
    Its not a huge biggie = just nice to get maximum visual engagement of the audience.
    Thank you
    Ange H
  • Taylor Binnington 12/8/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Ange,

    Is this resolved? I can't reproduce it on my PC, and I'm having trouble following your description of the problem.

    If the error persists, please post step by step instructions for reproducing it, and then we'll be able to look into it.
