I've done Exercise 1 & 2, in Excel, simulating the way LEAP works, whole demandside and the electricity generation side. I read mostly in your manuals to understand what LEAP does, however, in the manual for calculating how the dispatching is done on a load curve with merit order, I ran into a problem.
The manual says that it creates vertical "strips" where the height is calculated by required peak power multiplied by the average load % of adjacent 2 points. Doing this and then dispatching base and peak powerplants gave me a slightly wrong output compared to LEAP. However, when I did NOT use the average load % of the adjacent 2 points and used the specified load %, it summed up to the correct output. (Also for each powerplant, that can be seen in the results "average power dispatched").
Does it say wrong in the manual or does it have something to do with how the load curve is specified? "stairs"-wise or straight lines, etc? In the training exercise it says that the 100%-point is implicit, but also need to be added explicitly.. Confusing with the picture as well..
To me it seems as if LEAP does not uses the average load % for calculating the supply-side? I.E the vertical "strips" in the graph in the manual I linked will only be on the inside of the line? Or does it have something to do with the 100%-not-seen load% and the minimum 10%? When I tried the averaging-method, I used 100% as first point, but not 10% as a minimum because then it's 1 more vertical strip (with 0 width)..
Thanks for any clarification!