• 124 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Electricity Demand Final Units and Outputs by Feedstock Fuel in "Turkey_3.1"Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Lasse Ohlsen 4/8/2016


    Dear Commend-community,

    I need your help! Finally I managed to get the Starter Data for Turkey working on my computer. I spend the last two days to understand the structure of the data set. I realised that the electricity demand and transformation are not the same (please have a look at the enclosed image). This confuses me a bit, because in the Training Exercises for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation I learned that Electricity Demand Final Units and Outputs by Feedstock Fuel are the same (at least in the case of Freedonia).


    Electricity Demand and Transformation_Turkey.jpg
  • Taylor Binnington 4/12/2016
      Best Response


    Hi Lasse,

    I'm able to reproduce your results using the Turkey Starter data set, but only if I select the top-level "Transformation" branch and view electricity outputs. Note that you are actually viewing the outputs from more than one of the transformation modules (this is much clearer if you display by branches on the right side), but this double-counts the electricity generated by one module, which may then consumed in another.

    To make this clearer, try viewing the Outputs by Output Fuel, displayed by branches, for electricity only, and for the whole set of Transformation modules. You should see a number of modules which generate electricity, but the top module ("Distribution Losses") is the module which attempts to meet the requirements for electricity which arise on the model's demand-side. This, in turn, generates requirements for modules below it, and so on. If none of the modules are capable of generating the required electricity, then it will be imported (you can view this by selecting Resource: Imports).

    Hope this is useful - please feel free to follow up with additional questions,
