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    Topic: Percent share dispatchSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Rahmat Al Hasibi 5/25/2016

    1 Like 138 Views

    Hi Taylor,
    I used percent share dispatch rule to dispatch electric generation to meet the demand. when fixed process share applied, all electricity demand was met. but when variable process share (with the sum still 100%), there was unmet demand in the module balance.
    the attached file showed this problem...


    Attachments:  Module Energy Balance-ProcessShare.pptx [19]
  • Taylor Binnington 5/25/2016
      Best Response


    Hi Rahmat,

    When dispatching by Process Share, the ability of each power plant to meet a percent share of the module requirements is still limited by the process' available capacity in each time slice. This is equal to the product of the maximum availability and the installed capacity.

    If you exogenously specify the Process Share variable for each plant, you'll need to ensure that the power plant is actually capable of meeting that share - otherwise you will see unmet requirements or imported electricity, depending on the output fuel settings you've chosen. This principle applies whether you assign fixed Process Shares or whether you modify these shares across each year.

    Hope this helps,

  • Rahmat Al Hasibi 5/26/2016
      Best Response


    Hi Taylor,
    Thank you for the replay. In this case, my model has no exogenous capacity and capacity in module property remain unchecked. The propose of the model is to calculate demand energy need by load following principle. I couldn't remember exactly which version, but older version of leap will result no unmet requirements with this kind of setting.
  • Taylor Binnington 5/26/2016
      Best Response


    Thanks Rahmat - sorry for my hasty reply, I should not have assumed that your module contained capacity information.

    What is the difference between your "fixed" and "variable" process share expressions? You're certain that these sum to 100% across all processes in your module, and for each year?

    Finally, does your module consume any auxiliary fuels in any of its processes?

  • Rahmat Al Hasibi 5/27/2016
      Best Response


    Hi Taylor,
    Fixed process share means that percentage of each process is constant across each year. In scenario with variable process share, the percentage is changing across each year...

    No auxiliary fuel in each process in power generation module...

  • Taylor Binnington 5/27/2016
      Best Response


    Okay, there is no generic reason that I can offer, that there should be unmet requirements in one case and not the other.

    Can you send us your model, or attach it to this thread?

    Thank you,