• 252 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Add DataSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Asim Amjad 6/13/2016

    1 Like 68 Views

    Dear Sir,

    I have starter data of Pakistan base year 2011. now i want to add the data of 2015 in starter data file which i am download form website "LEAP".

    now one more query is either i need to add data between the 2011 to 2015 years or just add 2015 data. as the previous year data will be update or a separate column will be add for adding data.

    i am confused either after adding latest data of Pakistan starter data will be update to 2015 or it will handle the data in separate year wise.


  • Emily Ghosh 7/1/2016
      Best Response


    Hi Asim,

    Thank you for your question and I apologize for the delay in responding. To answer your question, LEAP will not automatically update the data for the years between 2011 and 2015. However, whether your model requires the data for these years depends on how the model is set up.

    If you have sufficient historical data for 2015, you will want to set your First Scenario Year to 2016 (recall that First Scenario Year is the first year after your historical data ends). In this situation, you may want to include the historical data for 2012, 2013 and 2014 either by finding and inputting the data manually for each year or estimating the data by using the "Interp" function.

    If you only have data for a few variables in 2015, you should probably leave the First Scenario Year as 2012. In this case, the data from 2012 onwards would be calculated by LEAP.

    For more information on setting up the base and first scenario years, refer to the following link: http://energycommunity.org/WebHelpPro/Supporting_Screens/Basic_Parameters_Screen.htm

    Hopefully this helps!


  • Asim Amjad 7/2/2016
      Best Response

    1 Like 50 Views

    Thank you so much your kind and valued help.


    Asim Amjad