Hi Kshitiz,
There are often two different ways that something like distributed solar generation may be modeled - the first is to represent the systems as a consumption on the demand side of a fuel called "Solar", the other is to represent the technology on the supply side in a similar way to other electricity generation processes. You have begun to adopt the second of these approaches, which is a fine strategy. However, I think you may be confused about the way that LEAP uses different processes to generate module output fuels. I'd like to address these issues before discussing costs.
Recall that a "module" is a collection of on or more processes, each consuming one or more input fuels in order to produce one or more output fuels. Here are two pictures of a simple type of module (like your T+D module) and a standard type:
Keeping this in mind, it's apparent that your process "Solar PV Home Systems", as represented as a process inside your Electricity Generation module, can be used to produce the same fuel - "electricity" - as each of the other processes in this module. This may be fine, but you may also wish to separate the "type" of electricity generated by small solar PV so that it is not simply grouped with the rest of the electricity in your model. This would allow you, for example, to apply a different T+D loss factor for this type of electricity than for the fuel which is simply called "electricity".
There have been a few discussions on the forum about this topic. Please begin by having a look through these:
You're welcome to follow up here with additional questions which are specific to your case.
Good luck,
Brief end-note: including two processes which consume the same feedstock fuel in a simple, non-dispatched transformation module (as you have in your T+D module, by including two processes consuming electricity) is ambiguous and should be avoided. This is because as electricity flows through the module, it is unclear which of the loss factors from the two processes will be incurred (in your case, 30% or 0%).