• 110 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: optimizationSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Amirreza Heidary 6/28/2016


    I am going to use leap to optimize the attached system based on minimum net present cost. using leap I have defined the technologies and demand, but I cant define the technologies properly to create the attacehd RES.
    I have read the help of leap and optimization example.
    in this example leap was used to optimize the supply of electricity only, is it possible to use leap for supply of two or more fuels?
    I have electricity network as an option for domestic use, hoe i can model this?
    Thank you

    Attachments:  Heidary.pdf [6]
  • Taylor Binnington 7/8/2016
      Best Response


    Hi Amirreza,


    Sorry for the long wait. I'm afraid the attachment to your post doesn't help me very much - can you explain exactly what it is you're trying to achieve?

    Right now, you cannot optimize more than one transformation module. I'm actively looking into this and will follow up shortly in this forum thread with more information, or once a solution has been found.
