Hi Amir,
Charlie has previously provided a very good answer which describes the difference between the car survival profile and car stock profile (or what he refers to as stock vintage profile): http://www.energycommunity.org/default.asp?action=9&read=1257&fid=22
Note that the stock vintage profile is a distribution curve and that the curve's values must sum to 100%. The curve must have a value of 0% in vintage year zero because this vintage represents brand new vehicles, which are accounted for in the sales data.
To answer your second question, the car survival profile does not have to be an exponential profile. The values for any lifecycle profile can be edited in one of four ways. Click on the curve selection box from the Lifecycle Profiles screen (as shown in the image below) and then choose whether you wish to enter Data Points via the keyboard, or specify an Exponential, Linear or Growth Rate curve.
With regards to your third question, Car Retirement is a calculated value shown in the Results View. It provides the total number of cars that were retired in a given year for all vintages. It is calculated from the survival profile which describes how vehicles are gradually retired as they get older.
If you have any further questions, please let us know.