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    Topic: The signature of setup.exe is corrupt or invalid.Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Edito Barcelona 7/4/2016



    I downloaded the latest version of LEAP just now but an alert "The signature of setup.exe is corrupt or invalid prevented me from downloading the whole file.


  • Taylor Binnington 7/5/2016
      Best Response


    Hi Edito, thanks very much for pointing this out.

    Just to be clear, you've observed this problem for the latest version of LEAP as downloaded directly from this page?


    Can you tell us which internet browser you're using? In addition, can you clarify if the error happens when you try to download the file, or when you try to run the setup.exe file by double-clicking it?

    Thanks again, and sorry for the inconvenience this causes you. We'll address this as soon as possible. In the meantime, are you able to use the Help: Check for Updates option from LEAP's main menu? If not, I can provide you with a link to download the file directly.


  • Edito Barcelona 7/5/2016
      Best Response


    Hi Taylor,

    Yes I was downloading from the Commend website. My browser is Internet Explorer 11. However, I was able to update LEAP by using "Check for Updates" in LEAP.

    I am not so knowledgable with firewalls but would a very strict firewall generate that error message?

    Best regards,


  • Taylor Binnington 7/6/2016
      Best Response


    Hi Edito,

    I wouldn't expect to see that particular message as a result of a firewall's interference.

    With Internet Explorer 11 I can reproduce the message you see - but from what I can tell, it doesn't actually interfere with the file download. The message is displayed, but the setup.exe file has successfully downloaded and I can find it in my Downloads directory. Can you verify that it is or is not there, and if you're able to run it by double-clicking on it?

    Thanks very much,

  • Charlie Heaps 7/6/2016
      Best Response


    Hi Edito,

    I saw your message and I just want to confirm that there is no problem with the LEAP setup file available for download on the LEAP website. I have tried downloading it myself (from a distant IP address) and have checked it for validity. The file has a digital signature that indicates whether or not the file is corrupted and when I just tested things, everything was OK. I think the message you are seeing indicates that the file you downloaded somehow was corrupted: most likely due to a failed download or possibly at sometime later (e.g. if the file was copied from one place to another). We are noticing that some anti virus software is sometimes flagging the file as being "not trusted". This is simply because the file has not been downloaded as often as commercial software, but I believe this is not related to your problem.

    NB: You can check a file by right-clicking on it and inspecting its properties. Look for the tab marked digital signatures and then click Details (see attached). (This techniques works in Windows 7 - maybe slightly different on other PCs)



  • Charlie Heaps 7/19/2016
      Best Response


    This issue has now been fixed in LEAP2015.0.20.

    We have now updated LEAP and the LEAP installation programs to use new and more secure 256 bit digital signatures. The older "sha1" digital signatures are no longer supported by Windows 10 and were causing it to report that the "signature of setup.exe is corrupt or invalid".

    We can confirm that the downloaded LEAP files were not in fact corrupt. The problem is simply that Windows 10 no longer supports the older signatures and Microsoft in its wisdom has decided to deal with this by displaying the above (slightly misleading) warning message.