I've been looking at the way the stock vintage was retired in the transport sector.
Since the stock vintage profile describes the distribution of different ages of stock vintage. I was wondering if the vintage stock would be retired year by year according to the age.
For example, the stock vintage profile was something like this (0 year, 0, 1th year, 5%, 2th year,10%, 3th year, 15%, 4th year, 20%, 5th year,20%, 6th year, 10%, 7th year,15%, 8th year, 5%). Let's make 2013 as the base year(the first sale year). If LEAP runs in the way as described above. 5% of vintage stock with 8 years old would be expected to be retired at the end of 2013 or early of 2014.
However, according to my observation in results: device stocks, vintages, the outcome is not what I expect. So I'm very interested to know how the retirement of vintage stock is modeled in LEAP.
Many thanks.