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    Topic: how stock vintage profile model retirement?Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Junling Liu 7/16/2016



    I've been looking at the way the stock vintage was retired in the transport sector.

    Since the stock vintage profile describes the distribution of different ages of stock vintage. I was wondering if the vintage stock would be retired year by year according to the age.

    For example, the stock vintage profile was something like this (0 year, 0, 1th year, 5%, 2th year,10%, 3th year, 15%, 4th year, 20%, 5th year,20%, 6th year, 10%, 7th year,15%, 8th year, 5%). Let's make 2013 as the base year(the first sale year). If LEAP runs in the way as described above. 5% of vintage stock with 8 years old would be expected to be retired at the end of 2013 or early of 2014.

    However, according to my observation in results: device stocks, vintages, the outcome is not what I expect. So I'm very interested to know how the retirement of vintage stock is modeled in LEAP.

    Many thanks.

  • Emily Ghosh 7/19/2016
      Best Response


    Hi Junling,

    LEAP retires vintage stock according to the car survival profile (defined as a lifecycle profile). Each value in this lifecycle profile describes the percentage of vehicles that survive after a number of years.

    In case you haven't done this, refer to the user guide to learn more about transport calculations: http://www.energycommunity.org/WebHelpPro/Demand/Vintaging_Calculations.htm

    Exercise 5 in the LEAP Training Manual also reviews key features in the transport analysis.

    If you have any more questions, please let us know!


  • Junling Liu 7/19/2016
      Best Response


    Many thanks for your answer Emily!

    LIU Junling
  • Niraj Acharya 12/7/2016
      Best Response

    Hello there,
    i am also trying to link the vehicle retirement using vehicle survival profile. But i could not figure out how to differentiate retirement rate for different vehicles( bus, car, minibus, ,,,,). How does LEAP calculates vehicle stock each year?

  • Pedro Gerber 11/27/2018
      Best Response

    Hi Emily,

    For me is a bit strange, because the user guide uses the term "survival", however, LEAP it uses the term scrappage.
    I am sending you a prynt screen. Maybe you can help me find my mistake.


    Sem título.png
  • Emily Ghosh 11/27/2018
      Best Response

    Hi Pedro,

    Thanks for your question. In LEAP, vehicle survival is inputted as a "Lifecycle Profile", a feature that can be accessed through the "General" menu. For more information on creating a life cycle profile refer to the following help page: https://www.energycommunity.org/Help/Supporting_Screens/LifeCycle_Profiles.htm.

    The vehicle survival profile specifies the amount of remaining stock of a particular vintage in the years after being sold. In a vehicle survival profile, the first sales year will have 100% of vehicles, and over time the number of vehicles of that vintage will slowly retire until the number of vehicles reduces to 0. You can link the vehicle survival profile to a vehicle branch through the "Sales Share" tab (see attached screenshot).

    Vehicle scrappage, on the other hand, represents the number of vehicles that are retired or "scrapped" early (so it kind of overwrites the retirement rate specified in the survival profile). For more information on scrappage, refer to the following help page: https://www.energycommunity.org/Help/Demand/Scrappage.htm.

    Hope this helps!

    Survival Profile.PNG