• 238 views | 4 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Error when introducing new "effects"Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Diego García 7/26/2016


    I am experiencing some problems when entering new effects in my model.

    Error: Range check error
    Type: ERangeError
    File: TranCalc.pas
    Module: TranCalc
    Line: 1366
    Process: Trancalc::CalculateProcessInputResults

    I proceed entering the new effect as air local pollutant through the Effects window.
    Everything looks fine (units, characteristics, etc.).
    I refresh the software using "force the whole area to recalculate" and the error warning appears.
    I´m using version 2015.0.14.0 so, I thought it could be a bug and consequently I went for the last version (2015.0.20.0), but the problem persisted. I´ve come back to the preceding version and I do not know what to do. Ideas?

    Thanks in advance

  • Emily Ghosh 7/26/2016
      Best Response

    Hi Diego,

    The precise cause of the problem is not clear from the error message. If you don't mind, can you please send a copy of the LEAP file for us to review? To do so, go to "Area: Backup" to backup the LEAP file to your computer. Then either reply to this message and attach the file or send it via email to leap@sei-us.org.


  • Emily Ghosh 7/28/2016
      Best Response

    Hi Diego,

    When using LEAP's optimization capability, all environmental loadings which are assigned in the optimized transformation module must have units of mass. You will be unable to attach an effect measured in hectares.

    We also note that adding user-created environmental effects generates an error at the time your model is calculated. We're actively looking into this and hope to have it fixed for you without too much delay.

    Sorry for the wait,

    Emily & Taylor

  • Emily Ghosh 9/7/2016
      Best Response

    The newest version of LEAP (Version 2015.0.26.0) has been released which resolves the above error generated from user-created environmental effects. Also, LEAP's optimization capability has been improved to allow environmental effects to have any type of unit, not only units of mass.

