• 352 views | 7 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Sankey diagram fails in LEAPSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Gregers Larsen 7/31/2016

    Hello LEAP folks, the new website looks great!

    I have a problem in LEAP, with the Sankey diagram feature. Simply put, it has a tendency to fail on me. I have had it work a couple of times since the last update, but it fails all the time now. The failure message is in the attachments. What can I do?

    Gregers Larsen

    Sankey leap.png
  • Taylor Binnington 8/2/2016
      Best Response

    Hi Gregers,

    Apologies if some of these questions are pedantic - I know that you have previously been able to use the Sankey feature, so I'm not immediately sure what the problem is.

    1. Can you verify that you have Internet Explorer version 10 installed?
    2. Does the message appear each time you switch to the Sankey tab in the Energy balance view, or just occasionally?
    3. Which version of LEAP are you running?


  • Gregers Larsen 8/7/2016
      Best Response

    1. Can you verify that you have Internet Explorer version 10 installed?
    No, I have version 11.494 installed on Windows 10
    2. Does the message appear each time you switch to the Sankey tab in the Energy balance view, or just occasionally?
    It started around 75% of the time, now I have not been able to have Sankey shown for weeks, consistently
    3. Which version of LEAP are you running?
    I was running 2015.0.18, but have now updated to .22 (Check for updates was broken). Problem persists.



  • Taylor Binnington 8/9/2016
      Best Response

    Thank you Gregers, we'll look into this and will be back to you with a solution as soon as possible.

    In the meantime, would you be able to post the *.leap file which you're using when you see the error? You can also send it to leap@sei-us.org.

    Thanks very much,


  • Taylor Binnington 8/10/2016
      Best Response

    Hi again Gregers,

    I was just reminded of this thread - have a look at the solution proposed at the bottom of the screen and see if it works for you.



  • Gregers Larsen 8/22/2016
      Best Response

    It doesn't seem I have the problem of module naming being the same as the output fuel's. I however have a lot of processes that are just named after the fuel used, e.g. "nuclear" in Electric Generation. It may be the same issue, as that would also constitute double naming. I need time to change these names though, as there are more urgent LEAP exercises to do at this time.

    I cannot send you my files unfortunately do to data privacy. I'll check in when I'll see if it helps.


  • Charlie Heaps 8/26/2016
      Best Response

    Hi Gregers - please can you try the Sankey again now with the new version of LEAP (2015.0.24). The new version does address a number of bugs in drawing of the diagram. Please let me know if this works for you.

