• 216 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: How to present feedstock fuels input in industry for non-energy use?Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Junling Liu 8/15/2016


    I'm looking for the way to present the feedstock fuels input in industries such as petrochemical and chemical industries for non-energy use. I noticed there seemed to be a "Non-Energy Fraction" variable which could work for this in previous LEAP User guide. But I couldn't find it in my LEAP. Is this variable still available in the program? Where can I find it? If not, what others would be good alternatives to solve this problem for me? Many thanks.

    Liu Junling

  • Taylor Binnington 8/17/2016
      Best Response

    Hi Junling,

    There really isn't a difference in the way that LEAP treats fuel consumption for energy or non-energy (i.e. feedstock) purposes. For clarity, I would suggest assigning a meaningful name, or category name, to fuels which are deemed "non-energy". You will also need to ensure that you avoid assigning any combustion-based emission factors to the branch.

    The "non-energy fraction" variable is no longer part of the LEAP distribution.



  • Junling Liu 9/2/2016
      Best Response

    That's exactly the way I did. Thanks very much, Taylor!
