1 Like Hello
Hi Ravita,
1) Yes, adding a separate module for off-grid electricity will work. Note that since the transformation calculations are conducted in a top-down manner, it is important the modules are arranged in the correct order using the blue up and down arrow buttons located above the tree. For example, the off-grid electricity module may need to be placed above the T&D module if it is not subject to T&D losses. For more information on transformation calculations and ordering modules, refer to the following help page: https://www.energycommunity.org/Help/index.htm#t=Transformation%2FTransformation_Calculations.htm
2) *UPDATED RESPONSE* If you are modeling the entire demand and supply for a system, and do not include all of the electricity generated by the suppliers (i.e. by limiting the energy produced by IPPs), there may be an overall shortfall in supply. I recommend finding a solution that still calculates all of the energy generated by the IPPs, but differentiates the portion that is sold to the grid. This may be through additional modules.
1 Like Hi Emily,
Hi Emily
Hi Ravita,
Since the off-grid generation module is the top module under the Transformation branch, the electricity generation requirement for this module is set to the overall demand for electricity (calculated from the demand branches). It is likely that this module is producing some electricity and is importing the remaining electricity requirement because of the Shortfall Rule, which, by default, is set to "Import fuel to meet shortfall". To modify this, select the electricity branch under Output Fuels for the off-grid generation module, and go to Output Properties. Ensure that it is set to "Requirements remain unmet". This way, LEAP will pass on the remaining electricity requirements to the next module which produces electricity as its Output Fuel.
There are a few additional ways to model this system. For example, if you know exactly which demands are for off-grid electricity, you may want to disaggregate electricity demand into both on- and off-grid electricity separately, creating a new fuel specifically for off-grid electricity. Then set the Output Fuel for the off-grid generation module to this new fuel. This allows you to have dedicated transformation modules for each type of electricity.
Good luck and let us know if you have any further questions!
Dear Emily
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Hi Hanan,
I apologize for the delay in responding. Note that there isn't an explicit "link" between a demand branch and supply module. A supply module attempts to meet the total demand requirement for a fuel, and not for a specific demand branch. Therefore, ensure that a new fuel is created specifically for off-grid demand by going into General:Fuels (https://www.energycommunity.org/Help/Supporting_Screens/Fuels.htm). Check that the relevant demand branches using off-grid power as well as the Output Fuel for the off-grid module are set to this new fuel.
Hope this helps!