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    Topic: Optimization of an energy supply systemSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Varun Gaur 8/24/2016

    1 Like

    Hello everyone,

    I am a doctoral researcher at University of Bonn, Germany where I am doing my research on the decentralized renewable energy in rural India. For one of my research components, I need a model that can optimize an energy supply system for a village considering its power, irrigation and cooking energy needs. I want to know if LEAP model can help me with the same. If yes, is there any tutorial/ video based tutorial on the same. Can you also provide me any information on the courses on LEAP model in Europe region? I will be very grateful for your early reply on the same.


  • Emily Ghosh 8/24/2016
      Best Response

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    Hi Varun,

    Thanks for your inquiry. LEAP has been commonly used to model all types of energy systems, both on-grid or off-grid or both, in India and around the world. LEAP is an integrated modelling tool that is used to track energy demand, production and resource extraction in all sectors of an economy. LEAP's optimization capabilities can be used to automatically optimize the supply-side to calculate least-cost capacity expansions. Other valuable features include greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions accounting as well as scenario analysis of potential energy policies.

    To learn more about LEAP's capabilities, take a look through the website, in particular, the 'Learn' section, accessed through the menu bar at the top of the LEAP website. Here you will find several resources on LEAP, including tutorials, videos, a user guide, and more. As a first step, we highly recommend that new LEAP users review the training materials to become familiarized with the software. The training materials can be found here:

    Note that you can view completed versions of each exercise by opening the Freedonia dataset (be sure to save your own working model first!), and selecting Area: Revert to Version, from LEAP's main menu. This will allow you to compare your progress against the finished product.

    If you have any specific questions, do a quick search on the website to see if it has already been answered. If not, post a new discussion under the LEAP forum and we would be happy to help!

    Good luck!