Dear Mr/Ms.
We are trying to make generation expansion planning with LEAP.
But, there are several problems occurred and we have some questions about endogenous capacity Expansion problem.
The page " endogenous capacity expansioin" helps us to understand the basic scheme of the LEAP, but we need much detail questions.
The questions are summarized in attached PDF.
Could you answer me about questions? :)
Hi Tae Hyun,
Hi Taylor
Thank you for kind explanation of the endogenous addition method. I have one more question about capacity expansion with optimization method(especially MILP). First, I try to test the optimization in LEAP with simple exercsie.
My purpose is to add addition size(100MW) constraint to optmization exercise in LEAP.
Based on "complete optimization exercise" version(The file that was uploaded in previous LEAP website), I modify two things below.
1. Basic parameter-> optimization-> check "enable addition size for MILP".
2. Transformation->electricity generation->processes->minimum addition size ->setting all resources to 100MW.
From the result, reserve margin is about 261% in 2014 and I think it is abnormal condition. Without above two things, I do not adjust other things.
Could you help me to solve the abnormal condition?
*If you need LEAP file, I will send you e-mail.
Hi Tae Hyun,