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    Topic: No primal feasible solution in optimization calculationSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Junling Liu 9/10/2016


    I'm trying to use optimization methods for a series of scenarios with BAU scenario served as the reference scenario for cost of saved energy calculation in other scenarios. However, the running result always warns "No primal feasible solution in optimization calculation" for all scenarios even for BAU scenario only. I've deleted any constraints from maximum/minimum capacity addition, maximum/minimum capacity. Only with some essential parameters like availability and capacity credit, cost left. But it still doesn't work. I'm wondering if you have any idea on what the problems might it be? probably from settings outside of transformation module? Since it seems very little possibility of conflict coming from the transformation module to me.

    Looking forward to your reply. Thanks very much.

    LIU Junling

  • Fran Lallana 9/13/2016
      Best Response

    Hello Liu,
    I suggest you to check the regional settings regarding to number, lists and dates formats (Windows Control Panel: Regional Settings).

    In my experience Osemosys is quite sensible regarding syntax and some times the unavailability to find a solution it's related to miss formulation of the problem by an inadequate syntax.

    The easiest way to avoid this inconvenience is to set US Regional configuration.

    Hope it helps
  • Junling Liu 9/25/2016
      Best Response

    Hi Fran., thank you so much for your advice, the problem have been solved successfully!

    LIU Junling

  • Felicia Sutomo 5/27/2020
      Best Response

    Hi All,

    I have similar problem here. I have changed the regional location to USA in control panel but still same. I have CCHP (combined cooling heating power) generation and electricity generation in transformation branches. When I chose optimization analysis in both generations using GLPK, there is error message "OSeMOSYS optimization failed with error: no primal feasible solution in optimization calculation". And when I switch to CPLEX solver, the error message "Error reading Osemosys/CPLEX result. CPLEX solution file not found (attached file).
    But when I chose optimization in electricity generation branch only (optimize: NO in CCHP generation branch), LEAP can do the analysis. I have checked several times the input in CCHP generation branch but the error message is still same. Could you please help me why there was no solution in that branch?

    Thank you.

    Best regards,

    Attachments:  no feasible solution.pdf [2]