• 192 views | 3 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Specifying Load Shapes for Individual Years?Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Nikola Pilipovic 9/11/2016

    Dear LEAP Support Team,

    I have perused all the discussion topics and have not managed to find this issue: is it possible to

    enter the system's load shape

    (or devices' load shapes) for each year of my projected reference scenario? This would provide me with

    higher granularity in simulating year-to-year electricity consumption in my

    system, and so far I have learned only to insert the current account system's

    load curve, and then if I add a new yearly shape curve for any future scenario,

    LEAP automatically interpolates between those two load curves across the

    modeling time period
    . IS there a way to insert load curves for each future


  • Taylor Binnington 9/12/2016
      Best Response

    1 Like

    Hi Nikola,

    Yes, your can specify many yearly shapes using LEAP's basic Interp() function, like this:

    Interp(Year 1, YearlyShape(Shape 1), Year 2, YearlyShape(Shape 2) ...)

    You may also use the InterpYearlyShape() function, which has slightly clearer syntax. However, this limits you to ten pairs of years and shapes.

    InterpYearlyShape(Year1, YearlyShape1, Year2, YearlyShape2,... YearN, YearlyShapeN)

    Hope this helps,

  • Nikola Pilipovic 9/13/2016
      Best Response

    Dr. BInnington,

    Thank you so much! I have not though off using expressions in conjunction with Yearly Shapes in this manner. This is exactly what i needed, thanks again.