• 242 views | 4 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Global Warming Potential (GWP) calculation of fuelwood and charcoal in LEAPSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Mukesh Gupta 11/14/2016

    Dear Taylor,

    What are the assumptions when LEAP calculates Global Warming Potential (GWP) of fuelwood and charcoal (biogenic sources of emissions); are they considered sustainable or unsustainable harvests & to what degrees? I use fuelwood and charcoal as cooking fuels in my analysis and the GWP that I obtain is non-zero. Does that mean that harvested wood is unsustainable or the re-plantation does not take place hence there's positive net emissions (i.e. unsustainable harvests)? Where shall I find more information on this?

    Many Thanks, Mukesh

  • Emily Ghosh 11/15/2016
      Best Response

    1 Like

    Hi Mukesh,

    Thanks for your question!

    The GWP result is calculated from the GWP of the environmental effects specified for a given technology/branch. The GWP for an effect can be edited in the General: Effects screen in Analysis View. Biogenic effects are not included in the GWP calculation as long as they are assigned a GWP of 0.

    For more information, refer to the following pages in user guide:

    Editing GWP Potential: https://www.energycommunity.org/Help/Supporting_Screens/Effects_Screen.htm

    GWP Results https://www.energycommunity.org/Help/Results_Categories/Environmental_Results.htm

    You are seeing non-zero GWP values for the fuelwood and charcoal stoves because there are non-biogenic effects assigned to them. To review which pollutants are assigned to these technologies, return to Analysis View, select either the fuelwood or charcoal stove branch, and select the Environmental Loadings tab. Note that you can either manually select the pollutants and enter their emission factors or use the default emission factors included in the Technology and Environmental Database (TED). If you used TED, click on the Technology Database View from the left pane for more information on the source of the environmental loading data and how the emission factors were developed. Then return to Analysis View and go to General:References for bibliographic information (including a URL) for the source.

    For more information on specifying Environmental Loadings, click here:


    Hopefully this helps, but if you have any other questions, please let us know.



  • Mukesh Gupta 11/16/2016
      Best Response

    mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"">Thank you Emily. This is very

    mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"">

    mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"">I do have one question though. As there are non-biogenic effects
    assigned to the fuelwood and charcoal stoves (CH4. CO, NO, NO2, NMVO etc) hence

    non-zero GWP values are reflected. With that token I'm wondering when I switch the
    result to 'Carbon Dioxide non-biogenic' - then why does LEAP not provide non-biogenic
    effects assigned to fuelwood and charcoal (i.e. excludes fuelwood and charcoal
    stoves altogether). I would assume that the result for the 'Carbon Dioxide non-biogenic'
    has to include the non-biogenic effects part assigned to fuelwood and charcoal
    as well, no? (result for Carbon Dioxide non-biogenic attached)

    mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"">Thanks,

    mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"">Mukesh

    Carbon Dioxide non-biogenic result in which LEAP exclude fuelwood and charcoal.png
  • Emily Ghosh 11/16/2016
      Best Response

    Hi Mukesh,

    The result for "Carbon Dioxide (Non-Biogenic)" only shows the quantity of non-biogenic carbon dioxide produced, and therefore does not include all non-biogenic effects. All non-biogenic effects are shown in the GWP result (the screenshot you provided in your earlier post). Therefore, the result for "Carbon Dioxide (Non-Biogenic)" is correct to exclude fuelwood and charcoal stoves since they appear to have biogenic carbon dioxide assigned to them.

    Hope this helps!