• 413 views | 9 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Placing of Power Plants Merit OrderSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Tri Ilham Wicaksono 12/7/2016


    As I knew from LEAP Training Exercises, section 1.4.2. Electricity Generation, the process module from electricity generation must be reordered. I have a question :

    1. Are there any negative impact (for LEAP's calculation) if we placed the power plant not in sequence (not in base-middle-peak merit order) ? (see attachment)
    Because I have huge number of power plants and I wonder if power plant placing in sequence of merit order has any impact in calculation.

    Thank you so much for anybody who reply and answer my questions. I really appreciate it.

    Best Regards,
    Tri Ilham Wicaksono

    Merit Order Question.png
  • Emily Ghosh 12/7/2016
      Best Response


    To answer your question, no you do not have to arrange the processes by merit order because LEAP will do this automatically as part of the simulation. For more information on how processes are dispatched, Refer to the following help page: https://www.energycommunity.org/Help/Transformation/Dispatching_Processes_on_a_Load_Curve.htm


  • Tri Ilham Wicaksono 12/8/2016
      Best Response

    Hi Emily,

    Thank you for answering my question with valuable guidance.

    Tri Ilham

  • Kamia Handayani 12/8/2016
      Best Response

    Dear Emily,
    I am not sure if I understand it correctly.

    I quote here the explanation from the link you shared, "Next, each group of processes is dispatched in vertical "strips" in order to try and fill the area under the load curve. Base load plants are dispatched first at the bottom, followed by intermediate and peak load plants"

    In my understanding LEAP will decide processes' dispatch based on their merit order (base load, intermediate load, peak load which is represented by number 1,2,3 ....as asked by Wicaksono). So, how can LEAP decide which one is base/intermediate/peak load if we do not define the merit order number of each process?


  • Emily Ghosh 12/8/2016
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    Hi Kamia,

    If the user sets the Dispatch Rule of a transformation process to "MeritOrderDispatch", the user should specify a merit order for that process in the Merit Order tab. If a merit order is not specified, a default value of "1" is automatically assigned.

    Please review the following help page for further information on the Merit Order variable:

    Hope this helps!

  • Tri Ilham Wicaksono 12/9/2016
      Best Response

    Dear Kamia and Emily

    I think i knew the meaning of Kamia question.
    "So, how can LEAP decide which one is base/intermediate/peak load if we do not define the merit order number of each process?"

    In order to understand my explanation, while read this, see atachment below

    My early question was about "How if process (in this case Power Plant) is added not in sequence or randomly placed?" (i.e. processes in Picture 2)
    That's does not mean we do not add the Merit Order
    We still add the merit order properly in every process (i.e. Power Plant), but my early question is "What if the power plant placement is not in order"

    I mentioned about "order of placement" because as I have already read from LEAP Training Exercises, section 1.4.2. Electricity Generation, it is mentioned that the process module from electricity generation must be in sequence. And if the order was not in proper place, I thought there would be some error in simulation, and so on.

    And Emily answered my question "That's not a problem because LEAP will still do simulation automatically (based on Merit Order that we have already inputted in every process of power plant), and does not based on the sequence of Power Plant placement in LEAP"
    So both Picture 1 and Picture 2 will have same result because the processes in both Picture 1 and Picture 2 have same merit order.

    I hope this will answer Kamia's question.

    Kind regards,

    Tri Ilham

  • Kamia Handayani 12/11/2016
      Best Response

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    Dear Emily,

    Thank you for your response. It is clear for me now.


  • Taylor Binnington 12/13/2016
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    Hi Tri Ilham,

    The ordering of processes under the "Processes" folder in a Transformation module does not matter. It does not affect the calculation in any way, regardless of the dispatch rule you select for each process.

    The relative ordering of different modules (underneath the Transformation branch) *does* matter, but within each module, the ordering of processes does not.

    Hope this is clear,

  • Tri Ilham Wicaksono 12/13/2016
      Best Response

    Hi Taylor,

    Thank you for your explanation, it's clear now.

    Tri Ilham