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    Topic: OptimizationSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Balkess Elkhozondar 12/21/2016

    If I dont have the load shape curve how can I solve this problem to use the optimization in LEAP
  • Taylor Binnington 12/22/2016
      Best Response


    You must specify a load shape (specifically, of type "energy load shape") in order to use LEAP's optimization capability. Even if you do not have system load data, then you can still develop a flat load curve which has equal average power requirements in each of your model's time slices.

    However, I would strongly advise you not to do this. Without proper input data, you cannot expect the optimized scenario results to be meaningful. I suggest instead that you use LEAP's "simulation" capabilities (instead of optimization), and focus on additional data collection. Please review these manual pages to help you understand both "simulation" and "optimization" in LEAP, which are two different ways of determining both capacity expansion and dispatch:


    Hope this helps,

  • Balkess Elkhozondar 12/29/2016
      Best Response

    Thank you very much for answering. I wanted to ask if can I use the time slice yearly for one value as 100%??? and also I wanted to know is it enough to have hourly data for one year before the base year to make the shape load curve????
    Also, about the emission factor in the optimization model , Does LEAP do the optimization according to the emission factor???
    The last question in the output how can I see the Co2 emission?
    Can you answer in the nearest time to work on my thesis
    thank you again

  • Balkess Elkhozondar 1/1/2017
      Best Response

    I wanted to ask also how the leap Calculating the energy dispatching as KWh because the energy production is calculated from the maximum availability and the installed capacity. I calculated them using the program and Excel they are different. Did Leap take into account another factor ???
    for 2016 the Excel and Leap must meet but they did not ?
    please answer me ?

  • Taylor Binnington 1/5/2017
      Best Response

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    Hi - that's quite a few separate questions. In future, please organize your questions by topic into separate forum threads.

    1. Yes, you may use a single time slice (containing 100% of all 8760 hours), hourly time slices (8760 separate time slices, one for each hour), and any configuration in between. To set up time slices, select General: Time Slices. I suggest reviewing this help file as well: http://www.energycommunity.org/WebHelpPro/Supporting_Screens/Time_Slices.htm
    2. If you have even a single year of hourly load data, this is still useful for determining a load shape. As with any model built with sparse data, you should be aware of any problems introduced by using one data point instead of a longer historical time-series containing many years of data.
    3. I'm not sure what you mean by "Does LEAP do the optimization according to the emission factor". However, you may specify both an annual emissions constraint and externality values if you wish, by adding pollutants underneath the "Effects" category (immediately below "Key Assumptions" and above "Demand"). Please review these help files: http://www.energycommunity.org/WebHelpPro/Effects/Externality_Costs.htm, http://www.energycommunity.org/WebHelpPro/Transformation/Emission_Constraint.htm
    4. Please review this help file for assistance viewing environmental results: http://www.energycommunity.org/WebHelpPro/Results_Categories/Environmental_Results.htm
    5. Electricity production is not simply the product of capacity (MW) and the number of available hours in a year (<8760 hours). The Maximum Availability variable provides an upper constraint on the amount of process capacity which can be dispatched each time slice, but the actual electricity production may be less. There are a very large number of reasons that you may calculate different results using Excel. Can you be more specific about your question? For example, are you, or are you not using optimization for your Electricity Generation module?
    Hope this helps,

  • Balkess Elkhozondar 1/7/2017
      Best Response

    I am sorry for that and thank you for your help my question are :
    In Leap I am using the optimization module, according to what the optimization module dispatch the energy??
    In my module I entered the capacities as it available and it must produce the same demand for the base year but the did not do this using LEAP how can I solve this problem ??
    Thanks in advance,

  • Taylor Binnington 1/11/2017
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    To be clear: it appears that the Base Year of your model is 2016. Is that correct?

    If you already know the electricity production for each process in 2016, then you should enter this information directly into LEAP using the Historical Production variable for each process. Have a look here:


    Choosing to use LEAP's optimization routines will only affect capacity expansion and dispatch in your *scenarios* (i.e. beginning in your First Scenario Year, and ending in the End Year). So if the year 2016 is indeed your Base Year, then LEAP is not using any optimizatino routines to determine the electricity production in that year.


  • Balkess Elkhozondar 1/12/2017
      Best Response

    I am sorry, I used the detailed hourly data for the base year and it is still different than the actual production from Leap How can I solve this Problem ???
  • Balkess Elkhozondar 1/12/2017
      Best Response

    what the mean of the attach error and why I am facing it ??

  • Balkess Elkhozondar 1/12/2017
      Best Response

    I am so sorry. I am trying to solve it but it seems impossible.
    I entered the history data as you said and I got this.

    error 2.jpg
  • Taylor Binnington 1/23/2017
      Best Response

    Hi Balkess,

    The "Diagnostic" message that you see for the year 2016 says that the Historical Production you have entered for each plant implies that the available capacity (Capacity * Maximum Availability) has been exceeded. For example, a power plant with 1 MW of available capacity would be capable of generating only 8760 MWh each year. If you enter Historical Production which is greater than this, then LEAP will generate a warning message.

    In order to answer your other questions, we need much more information that you have provided. You have also not provided answers to some of the clarifying questions that we ask in our replies to you. For technical support more generally, please ensure that you provide the following pieces of information:
    1. If you see an error, what were the exact steps that you took in order to generate the error?
    2. Does the error happen every time you perform these steps?
    3. If you are asking a question about unexpected results, please clearly show what result you found in LEAP, and what result you expected to get, and explain why you expected to find a different result.
    4. Include answers to any clarifying questions that we ask you in our replies.
    5. Before posting, can your question be answered by reviewing either our Online Training Materials (https://www.energycommunity.org/default.asp?action=trainingmaterials) or our Help Pages (http://www.energycommunity.org/WebHelpPro)?
    Please be sure to include all of these relevant details in order for us to give you the clearest response.

  • Balkess Elkhozondar 1/29/2017
      Best Response

    Thanks you very much for your explanations. Actually I felt confused a little bit. A bout the error it always presents when I change the system energy load shape. For example when I am doing it daily or hourly, it is not responding and giving me this massage!
    thanks in advance for everything.

  • Taylor Binnington 1/31/2017
      Best Response


    Remember that if you are using LEAP's optimization features, you must include a system load curve of type "Energy load shape" (ensure that you have chosen the proper setting in Basic Params: Loads). You cannot freely create and assign system load curves of different types.

    What message are you referring to in your question?


  • Balkess Elkhozondar 2/1/2017
      Best Response

    Thank you for answering.

    I am using my data which hourly data, for example I want to enter the data hourly or daily no seasonally and not monthly. By doing that in the LEAP in the Yearly shape section, it is not responding and stop. why I do not know??

    Another question, I have a business as usual scenario which is assuming that there are no changes for the sharing percentage from the different technologies. When I use the dispatch rule as full capacity it is giving me the results that I want from the production. But when I am using MeritOrderDispatch not giving me what I want.

    I want to know why??? does the merit using the yearly shape and the full capacity not?

    I hope that you will understand me.

    Thanks in advance.
