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    Topic: Export all data to Excel from Results view?Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Rabi Vandergon 1/17/2017


    I am curious if there is a method to export data from the Results view similar to the process of exporting from the Analysis view. In Analysis view, I can use the dropdown menu from Analysis and select "Export to Excel." This brings up a menu of options for the export. The exported data in a database-like format is useful when using an external application such as Tableau to shape, explore and analyze the data.

    I am wondering if there is a method to conduct a similar process from the Results view. This would create a similar output, but instead would contain the calculated values by year, scenarios, tags, etc. Is there a method to obtain a table-like export of multiple variables using the LEAP API?

    Thank you for your time,
    Rabi Vandergon

  • Emily Ghosh 1/18/2017
      Best Response

    Hi Rabi,

    The Results View does not include a batch export function like the Analysis View. However, you can definitely export the results data using the API. An example batch export script for exporting energy demand results to Excel is provided in the link below:

    You can easily modify this script for other branch types (i.e. transformation, resources), result variables, etc., through LEAP's built-in script editor. Hopefully this helps get you started, but if you need any additional help, please let us know.


  • Rabi Vandergon 1/22/2017
      Best Response

    Hi Emily,

    Thanks for your response! The script ran well from the link you posted and I have almost everything I need in the output in Excel. I tagged branches, and I am hoping to add the tags to the export. In addition, I am trying to change the units from gigajoules to Million BTU. I am new to VB and am using the information highlighted below. I keep getting an error message when I try running the edited script posted below. Do you have any suggestions?

    The resources I've found so far are as follows:
    • LEAP API Objects in right hand pane
    • LEAP Variables in right hand pane
    • LEAP help online - using this resource is helpful, but I am still running into errors when I try running the change below (I added 4 lines attempting tag outputs and changed units to Million BTU).
    Thanks again,

    ' ============================================
    ' Bulk energy demand export tool for LEAP
    ' Taylor Binnington, Stockholm Environment Institute
    ' Copyright 2015
    ' ============================================

    ' Instantiate objects
    ' ============================================
    If Not IsObject(LEAP) Then
    set LEAP = CreateObject("Leap.LEAPApplication")
    End If

    set xla = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    ' ============================================

    dim tech_branches
    set tech_branches = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

    for each b in LEAP.Branches
    if b.Branchtype = 4 then
    tech_branches.Add b.BranchID, b.Name
    end if

    xla.Visible = false
    xla.ScreenUpdating = true

    set xlw = xla.Workbooks.Add

    LEAP.Verbose = 4
    LEAP.Visible = true

    set xls = xla.sheets.add
    xls.name = "Exported from LEAP"

    ' Add headers to Excel worksheet
    r = 1
    xls.Cells(r, 1).Value = "Scenario"
    xls.Cells(r, 2).Value = "Year"
    xls.Cells(r, 3).Value = "Branch"
    xls.Cells(r, 4).Value = "Fuel"
    xls.Cells(r, 5).Value = "Value (MMBtu)"
    xls.Cells(r, 6).Value = "Tag (Name)"
    xls.Cells(r, 7).Value = "Tag (Group)"

    ' Loop through scenarios, years, branches and export final energy demand in gigajoules
    for each s in LEAP.Scenarios
    for y = LEAP.BaseYear to LEAP.EndYear
    for each key in tech_branches.keys
    r = r + 1
    xls.Cells(r, 1).Value = s
    xls.Cells(r, 2).Value = y
    xls.Cells(r, 3).Value = LEAP.Branch(key).FullName
    xls.Cells(r, 4).Value = LEAP.Branch(key).Fuel.Name
    xls.Cells(r, 5).Value = LEAP.Branch(key).Variable("Energy Demand Final Units").Value(y, "Million BTU")
    xls.Cells(r, 6).Value = LEAP.Branch(key).Tag.Name
    xls.Cells(r, 7).Value = LEAP.Branch(key).Tag.TagGroup

    xla.screenupdating = true
    xla.visible = true

  • Taylor Binnington 1/25/2017
      Best Response

    Hi Rabi,

    What error message do you see? Please be sure to include this information.

    When I copy and paste your script into LEAP's Script Editor and try to run it, I also see an error (though I'm not sure if it's the same as yours):
    LEAP Automation Error, Variable.Value: Cannot access results variable: "Energy Demand Final units" in a non-result view

    To resolve this, try the modification below. Note that I've made two changes:
    1. Ensured that results have been properly calculated by changing to LEAP's Results view, and then switching back to Analysis view at the end of the script.
    2. Corrected your syntax to extract tags attached to branches. Note that there may be multiple tags assigned to branches, so the script concatenates each tags into a comma-separated list before writing into Excel. Note that I haven't taken any care to group tags with their respective tag groups - instead, in the final two columns of the output spreadsheet you'll simply find a list of all tags, and all tag groups which are associated with one or more of those tags.
    Hope this helps,

    ' ============================================
    ' Instantiate objects
    ' ============================================
    If Not IsObject(LEAP) Then
    set LEAP = CreateObject("Leap.LEAPApplication")
    End If

    set xla = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    ' ============================================

    dim tech_branches
    set tech_branches = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    'dim tagnames, taggroups As String

    for each b in LEAP.Branches
    if b.Branchtype = 4 then
    tech_branches.Add b.BranchID, b.Name
    end if
    xla.Visible = false
    xla.ScreenUpdating = true

    set xlw = xla.Workbooks.Add

    LEAP.Verbose = 4
    LEAP.Visible = true

    set xls = xla.sheets.add
    xls.name = "Exported from LEAP"

    ' Add headers to Excel worksheet
    r = 1
    xls.Cells(r, 1).Value = "Scenario"
    xls.Cells(r, 2).Value = "Year"
    xls.Cells(r, 3).Value = "Branch"
    xls.Cells(r, 4).Value = "Fuel"
    xls.Cells(r, 5).Value = "Value (MMBtu)"
    xls.Cells(r, 6).Value = "Tag (Name)"
    xls.Cells(r, 7).Value = "Tag (Group)"

    LEAP.ActiveView = "Results"

    ' Loop through scenarios, years, branches and export final energy demand in gigajoules
    for each s in LEAP.Scenarios
    for y = LEAP.BaseYear to LEAP.EndYear
    for each key in tech_branches.keys
    r = r + 1
    xls.Cells(r, 1).Value = s
    xls.Cells(r, 2).Value = y
    xls.Cells(r, 3).Value = LEAP.Branch(key).FullName
    xls.Cells(r, 4).Value = LEAP.Branch(key).Fuel.Name
    xls.Cells(r, 5).Value = LEAP.Branch(key).Variable("Energy Demand Final Units").Value(y, "Million BTU")

    for each t in LEAP.Branch(key).Tags
    tagnames = t.Name & ", " & tagnames
    taggroups = t.TagGroup.Name & ", " & taggroups

    xls.Cells(r, 6).Value = tagnames
    xls.Cells(r, 7).Value = taggroups
    tagnames = ""
    taggroups = ""


    xla.screenupdating = true
    xla.visible = true
    LEAP.ActiveView = "Analysis"

  • Rabi Vandergon 2/1/2017
      Best Response

    Hello Taylor,

    The modification you added worked well. To further complicate matters, we are trying to add regions to our output. My coworker modified the script (which is pasted below), but it resulted in an error when it hit line 65, which is when it starts to try and assign tags. She is not very familiar with
    scripting libraries and doesn't really understand how the tags are being assigned. She is wondering if there is a way to halt the code so we can
    see what’s happening. She mentioned other code editors have this stop feature, which might be helpful in this case. Any guidance would be much appreciated.

    Thank you for all of your help so far,

    ' ============================================

    ' Instantiate objects


    If Not IsObject(LEAP) Then

    set LEAP =

    End If

    set xla =

    ' ============================================

    dim tech_branches

    set tech_branches =

    'dim tagnames, taggroups As

    for each b in LEAP.Branches

    if b.Branchtype = 4 then

    tech_branches.Add b.BranchID,

    end if


    xla.Visible = false

    xla.ScreenUpdating = true

    set xlw = xla.Workbooks.Add

    LEAP.Verbose = 4

    LEAP.Visible = true

    set xls = xla.sheets.add

    xls.name = "Exported from

    ' Add headers to Excel worksheet

    r = 1

    xls.Cells(r, 1).Value =

    xls.Cells(r, 2).Value = "Year"

    xls.Cells(r, 3).Value =

    xls.Cells(r, 4).Value =

    xls.Cells(r, 5).Value =

    xls.Cells(r, 6).Value =
    "Value (MMBtu)"

    xls.Cells(r, 7).Value =
    "Tag (Name)"

    xls.Cells(r, 8).Value =
    "Tag (Group)"

    LEAP.ActiveView =

    ' Loop through scenarios, years,
    branches and export final energy demand in gigajoules

    for each s in LEAP.Scenarios

    for y = LEAP.BaseYear to

    for each key in

    for i = 1 to leap.regions.count

    r = r + 1

    xls.Cells(r, 1).Value = s

    xls.Cells(r, 2).Value = y

    xls.Cells(r, 3).Value =

    xls.Cells(r, 4).Value =

    xls.Cells(r, 5).Value =

    xls.Cells(r, 6).Value =
    LEAP.Branch(key).Variable("Energy Demand Final Units").Value(y,
    "Million BTU")

    for each t in

    tagnames = t.Name & ",
    " & tagnames

    taggroups = t.TagGroup.Name
    & ", " & taggroups


    xls.Cells(r, 7).Value = tagnames

    xls.Cells(r, 8).Value =

    tagnames = ""

    taggroups = ""





    xla.screenupdating = true

    xla.visible = true

    LEAP.ActiveView =

  • Taylor Binnington 2/13/2017
      Best Response

    Hi Rabi, sorry for the wait.

    It's difficult to tell from your post what you mean by line 65, but I'm afraid there is no hotkey combination to break execution using LEAP's internal script editor. You can, however, call LEAP from any of your favorite Windows-based editors, though, by appropriately linking to it.

    I'd suggest inerting some print statements throughout, to make sure that correct arguments are being passed to LEAP's API functions.

    Good luck,

  • Kate Desrochers 4/4/2017
      Best Response

    HI Taylor and Emily,

    I'm following up on
    Rabi's code questions, working on the same issue.

    Your help was much
    appreciated but now we're running in to two issues.

    1. We were able to run the code below
      without error, however, while it was generating rows with different
      scenarios in columns (as asked in line 56), it was not actually changing
      the active scenario and providing different values. It was simply giving
      us the value for one of our scenarios over and over again. Strangely, it
      was the value for the scenario with index number "3". I have
      tried various commands to have it loop through active scenarios, but each
      of them has thrown a bug. Can you help us figure out the code to get these
      values for different scenarios (I think by setting different active

    2. When I went back to rerun the
      original, no-bug code (that changed the names of the scenarios but didn't
      change the value), the code began to throw an error: Object not a
      collection" , referring to line 50, "For each s in
      Leap.Scenarios.Count". I thought you had recently changed the object
      from "scenario" to "scenarios", but I might be wrong.
      Can you help me understand the issue here?

    Thank you very much.
    The code is pasted below. I have added line numbers, please let me know if you'd like the code without them. Additionally, you'll see that we've temporarily commented out all of our tag work-- that's something we can do with equations in excel, and we wanted to minimize the possible areas for error while trouble shooting.



    1' ============================================

    2 ' Instantiate objects

    3' ============================================

    4 If Not IsObject(LEAP) Then

    5 set LEAP = CreateObject("Leap.LEAPApplication")

    6 End If


    8 set xla = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

    9 ' ============================================


    11 dim tech_branches

    12 set tech_branches = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

    13 'dim tagnames, taggroups As String


    15 For i = 1 to Leap.Regions.Count

    16 Leap.Regions(i).Active = True

    17 V = Leap.Regions(i).Active

    18 tech_branches.RemoveAll

    19 for each b in LEAP.Branches

    20 if b.Branchtype = 4 then

    21 tech_branches.Add b.BranchID, b.Name

    22 end if

    23 next


    25 xla.Visible = false

    26 xla.ScreenUpdating = true


    28 set xlw = xla.Workbooks.Add


    30 LEAP.Verbose = 4

    31 LEAP.Visible = true


    33 set xls = xla.sheets.add

    34 xls.name = "Exported from LEAP"


    36 ' Add headers to Excel worksheet

    37 r = 1

    38 xls.Cells(r, 1).Value = "Scenario"

    39 xls.Cells(r, 2).Value = "Year"

    40 xls.Cells(r, 3).Value = "Branch"

    41 xls.Cells(r, 4).Value = "Region"

    42 xls.Cells(r, 5).Value = "Fuel"

    43 xls.Cells(r, 6).Value = "Value (MMBtu)"

    44 xls.Cells(r, 7).Value = "Tag (Name)"

    45 xls.Cells(r, 8).Value = "Tag (Group)"


    47 LEAP.ActiveView = "Results"


    49 ' Loop through scenarios, years, branches and export final energy demand in gigajoules

    50 For each s in Leap.Scenarios.Count

    51 LEAP.Scenarios(s).Active = true

    52 for y = LEAP.BaseYear to LEAP.EndYear

    53 for each key in tech_branches.keys


    55 r = r + 1

    56 xls.Cells(r, 1).Value = s

    57 xls.Cells(r, 2).Value = y

    58 xls.Cells(r, 3).Value = LEAP.Branch(key).FullName

    59 xls.Cells(r, 4).Value = LEAP.Regions(i).Name

    60 xls.Cells(r, 5).Value = LEAP.Branch(key).Fuel.Name

    61 xls.Cells(r, 6).Value = LEAP.Branch(key).Variable("Energy Demand Final Units").Value(y, "Million BTU")


    63 'for each t in LEAP.Branch(key).Tags

    64 'tagnames = t.Name & ", " & tagnames

    65 'taggroups = t.TagGroup.Name & ", " & taggroups

    66 'next


    68 'xls.Cells(r, 7).Value = tagnames

    69 'xls.Cells(r, 8).Value = taggroups

    70 'tagnames = ""

    71 'taggroups = ""


    73 next

    74 next

    75 next

    76 next


    78 xla.screenupdating = true

    79 xla.visible = true

    80 LEAP.ActiveView = "Analysis"

  • Emily Ghosh 12/9/2017
      Best Response

    For future reference, here is the final code from this thread (the issues were resolved by email). Thanks!

    ' Instantiate objects
    ' ============================================
    If Not IsObject(LEAP) Then
    set LEAP = CreateObject("Leap.LEAPApplication")
    End If

    set xla = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    ' ============================================

    dim tech_branches
    set tech_branches = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    'dim tagnames, taggroups As String

    set xlw = xla.Workbooks.Add
    For i = 1 to Leap.Regions.Count
    Leap.Regions(i).Active = True
    V = Leap.Regions(i).Active
    for each b in LEAP.Branches
    if b.Branchtype = 4 then
    tech_branches.Add b.BranchID, b.FullName
    end if

    xla.Visible = true
    xla.ScreenUpdating = true

    LEAP.Verbose = 4
    LEAP.Visible = true

    set xls = xla.sheets.add
    xls.name = LEAP.Regions(i).Name

    ' Add headers to Excel worksheet
    r = 1
    xls.Cells(r, 1).Value = "Scenario"
    xls.Cells(r, 2).Value = "Year"
    xls.Cells(r, 3).Value = "Branch"
    xls.Cells(r, 4).Value = "Region"
    xls.Cells(r, 5).Value = "Fuel"
    xls.Cells(r, 6).Value = "Value (MMBtu)"
    xls.Cells(r, 7).Value = "Tag (Name)"
    xls.Cells(r, 8).Value = "Tag (Group)"

    LEAP.ActiveView = "Results"

    ' Loop through scenarios, years, branches and export final energy demand in gigajoules
    For s = 2 to 4
    LEAP.Scenarios(s).Active = true
    for y = LEAP.BaseYear to 2018
    'for y = LEAP.BaseYear to LEAP.EndYear
    for each item in tech_branches.items

    r = r + 1
    xls.Cells(r, 1).Value = s
    xls.Cells(r, 2).Value = y
    xls.Cells(r, 3).Value = LEAP.Branch(item).FullName
    xls.Cells(r, 4).Value = LEAP.Regions(i).Name
    xls.Cells(r, 5).Value = LEAP.Branch(item).Fuel.Name
    xls.Cells(r, 6).Value = LEAP.Branch(item).Variable("Energy Demand Final Units").Value(y, "Million BTU")

    'for each t in LEAP.Branch(item).Tags
    'tagnames = t.Name & ", " & tagnames
    'taggroups = t.TagGroup.Name & ", " & taggroups

    'xls.Cells(r, 7).Value = tagnames
    'xls.Cells(r, 8).Value = taggroups
    'tagnames = ""
    'taggroups = ""


    xla.screenupdating = true
    xla.visible = true
    LEAP.ActiveView = "Analysis"