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    Topic: Dispatch error with processes with the running cost dispatch ruleSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Adeoye Moronkeji 1/24/2017

    Hi Emily,

    I once had this issue a while ago and it was resolved by changing the feedstock fuel from electricity to imported electricity. The same issue is repeating with the biomass and intertie (import) processes. These two processes are not dispatching through the entire study period. I have looked at their variable cost inputs, they are not too high for both not to be dispatched throughout the entire study period.

    Kindly help to look into it again.

    Kind regards,


    Biomass and import error.JPG
  • Taylor Binnington 1/26/2017
      Best Response

    1 Like

    Hello Ade,

    From your other forum messages I see that you're running an optimized scenario (please be sure to include all relevant information though, with each new forum thread).

    Why do you expect these processes to be dispatched in each of your scenario years? In an optimized scenario, both capacity and electrical dispatch are determined in each year (dispatch in each time slice) to minimize the net present value of the whole module: the levelized cost of electricity. If there are less expensive options for generating power than "Biomass" and "Intertie", then those options would likely be selected. Note that once built, the choice to operate a plant depends on its running cost which includes fuel as well as variable. Check the Fuel Cost variable of each feedstock fuel for each processes in your module to verify that they are entered correctly. I would also verify that "Biomass" and "Interie" have nonzero available capacity after the years 2023 and 2028, respectively (i.e. have they been retired?).

    Hope this helps,

  • Adeoye Moronkeji 1/26/2017
      Best Response

    Thanks for your reply, Taylor.

    To clarify, my request was not related to the optimised scenario model which I had requested for clarifications in the past.

    I was trying to compare the differences between models using either merit order dispatch rule or running cost dispatch rule. I have reviewed the inputs and calculations again as advised and now understand why there is no dispatch for both the biomass and intertie processes.
    Thanks for your support.

  • Taylor Binnington 1/26/2017
      Best Response


    In future please be sure to include all necessary information when you begin a new thread. That you were using the RunningCost dispatch rule is an important piece to understand if we're going to be of use. Generally, following these guidelines will lead to the most helpful and targeted assistance:
    1. Include a complete description of the problem and the steps you've taken to demonstrate the problem,
    2. Explain the results you obtained,
    3. Explain the results you expected to obtain, and why you expected these results.

    All the best,