• 179 views | 4 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Low Emissions ValueSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Ahmed Shaikh 1/25/2017

    Hello, I am working on my Masters Thesis and trying to recommend a future energy mix for my country that fulfills the COP21 obligations. Under Demand branch I have added different sources using Technology with Total Energy. I have added IPCC tier 1 environmental loading by selecting the appropriate energy source under Electricity Generation branch in TED.
    The problem I am facing is that the TWP values calculated by LEAP are far lower than that in my country's official reports (including reports by BP). Why is it so? What am I doing wrong?

    Help is highly appreciated.
  • Taylor Binnington 1/26/2017
      Best Response

    1 Like

    Hi Ahmed,

    By default, LEAP calculates total emissions per unit of energy consumed. Verify this, checking the "Method" in the last column of the expression window for the Environmental Loading variable, which should read "Per unit energy consumed".

    This means that total emissions are determined by multiplying energy consumption (in TJ, for example) by the environmental loading factor (in kg/TJ, for example). I would suggest that you confirm that the assigned emission factors, and the energy consumption used in LEAP, are the same as those used in other studies or national inventories.

    Also check that you are comparing *like* results - for example, do national inventories include non-energy emissions such as forestry sinks? And does your LEAP model also include these sinks and sources?

    Hope this helps,

  • José Siqueira Campos Filho 4/10/2019
      Best Response


    I have a similar issue: when multiplying amount of fuel consumed (kWh) by the the expression (kilograms/kWh) I get higher emissions than what LEAP presents. Is it related to the % oxidized used in the software and that I am not considering in my calculations?


  • Emily Ghosh 4/16/2019
      Best Response

    Hi Jose,

    If you are using different emission factors than those in LEAP, it will lead to different emissions results. If you are unsure of the emissions factor value that LEAP is using, you can view this in Analysis View by selecting the effects branch you are interested in and viewing the table below the expression box (see screenshot below).

    Also, note that LEAP's emissions factors are typically based on IPCC's default values. You can change the values in the Environment Loadings tab to the emissions factors you are using in your own calculations if are more representative of the emissions factors in your area.

