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    Topic: Error: Access ViolationSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Flávia Collaço 1/26/2017


    I just downloaded the last version of LEAP, it's installed, but each time that I try to open the program, after opened it keep saying to me abou this error of Access Violation.
    I have a MAC OS X (el capitan) and I installed vine and vinebottler to enable LEAP to function.
    Can you help me to solve this problem?

  • Taylor Binnington 1/26/2017
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    Hello Flavia,

    Please include a complete description of the error you are seeing (you may attach any screenshots as well, if you wish), and a complete description of the steps taken in order to produce the error.

    Note that although it is possible to install LEAP in non-Windows environments, our limited resources mean that we are only able to provide support for LEAP running on Windows.


  • Flávia Collaço 1/27/2017
      Best Response

    Hi, thank you for the quick answer.

    So, I'm from Brazil and I want to use LEAP to developed part of my PhD research project.

    I've installed LEAP desktop in my country computer (in Brazil) by July 2016, but until now I didn't try to properly use it.

    Now I'm in Zagreb (Croatia) and I'm going to stay for 6 months here, and finally I will use the software, so I bringed my on personal computer here (that it is a different computer that I had in Brazil) it's a MAC OS X 10.11.6 (El Capitan).

    So I downloaded the "vine bottle" package, and after, I downloaded the last version avaliable of LEAP at the website. It's instaled. But every time that I open the program, this message from the second picture that I'm sending you shows up.

    The first pic it is the first thing that I do to open the program.

    I have here an other PC (that is from the faculty where I'm been hosted, that I could instal LEAP, and it has Windows, but I would prefer to try to make it works in my personal computer...).

    Maybe, I'm thinking that the problem could be because I already have a LEAP desktop instaled in my home computer (in Brazil) in the same license id. Do you think this could be the problem? If this is the problem, it's not going to work even if I try to instal in a Windows based computer... How could I solve this?

    pic 1.png
    pic 2.png
  • Taylor Binnington 1/27/2017
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    Hi Flavia,

    Sorry for the trouble you're experiencing. The access violation error is not because you have already used your registration code on another computer - that isn't a problem.

    If you have access to another Windows computer, I'd suggest using it instead. Otherwise, you may have better luck by running LEAP in a Windows VM or from Parallels within your Mac.

    It sounds like you've already performed all of the necessary installation steps with your Mac, but I'm afraid that if those steps don't get you a working LEAP installation then there are few other options that we can suggest.

    Good luck,

  • Charlie Heaps 1/28/2017
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    Hi Flavia,

    Taylor is perfectly correct that we don't officially support LEAP on a Mac. However, I have a few hours to kill at the moment before a long plane flight so I've been trying to get LEAP working under Wine. I think I have found the issue and will try and include a fix in the next release of LEAP which will be in a few days time (after the flight). The problem seems to be that scripting elements in LEAP are not properly installed by default under Wine, and this in turn causes an error later on when LEAP was assuming they were installed. I will change the LEAP code to NOT simply assume the scripting components exist.

    It would be most helpful if you could share with me some notes on your best practices for installing LEAP under Wine/Wine Bottler as I am not very expert on these tools. Any notes you have or a step by step guide for installing LEAP would be most helpful.

    With all that said, I really do not recommend using LEAP with Wine since, as far as I know, Wine does not fully support the Windows Common Object Model (COM) and (again as far as I know) it is not possible to use LEAP in conjunction with Excel if running LEAP directly on a Mac or Linux machine under Wine. You also could not use LEAP's API. If you have a Mac, I strongly recommend using Virtualization software like VMWare Fusion on Parallels and then running LEAP on Windows within that environment. Alternatively, you can run Windows under the built-in "Bootcamp" software on a Mac. In those environments LEAP runs as well as on any PC.

    Hope this helps - and stay tuned for a new version of LEAP in a few days (although don't be surprised if it is still pretty glitchy under Wine). A few things that definitely don't currently work under Wine include the Sankey Diagram (since Wine seems to not support/emulate Internet Explorer 10, and any embedded help pages - although help is available when pressing F1).

    Hope this helps!

    Best wishes,

    LEAP Developer

  • Flávia Collaço 1/29/2017
      Best Response

    Ok, thank you so much!
    I will try to do it so in "Bootcamp".

    For running LEAP on "Wine" I had to install the "WineBottler" version 1.8 at the official site of the program.
    So I downloaded the last version of “WineBottler”, and after it was downloaded I double clicked at the dmg archive, first I dragged the "Bottler" to the applications folder, and after you have to dragged the "Wine" to the applications folder as well, and it was installed (there are a lot of youtube videos that teach how to install winebottler, I used this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7kwYmrrSto)

    Then I installed the last version of LEAP.

    So, for running LEAP, first it is necessary to open the "Wine", and inside "Wine" folders it's going to be LEAP program. So, double click in LEAP.exe and "Wine" will ask if you want it to run directly in Wine Files, or if you want to convert to simple OS X application bundle with WineBottler. I always run directly on Wine, never try to convert to simple OS X application....

    After you chose to run directly LEAP it’s going to open.
    Once again, thank you both for your attention.